
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The bunnies on Henny Penny Lane

These hot days, says Bun Bun,

it is cooler under the bunny cage. Oh, it is not very pretty down here, but much cooler.

Why, there is a fine breeze in my upstairs room said Fiona.

Who cares, said penny. Dig a hole like I do. Holes are cool. Good thing Henny built a secure fence or I might be right out with the wild bunnies. Hey, I know a secret, said Penny.  There really is a wild bunny who lives just up the hill by the old shed where the tools are kept...

Pshaw! said Bun Bun. Are you sure about that? 

Sure I'm sure. Look for yourself...

I was watching one day said Penny, when Miss Ann pulled in the driveway. It was about three weeks ago. She tooted the horn for Henny to come out. Then Miss Ann gave Henny a shoe box and there was a baby rabbit inside...

Miss Ann said her dog caught the baby rabbit and brought it up on their porch. 

Seriously, friends, I am caring for a wild baby bunny. I am not trying to tame the bunny, just take care of it until it is old enough to turn loose. Most wild bunnies that are caught, die from shock or fear, but this one is eating and growing and doing good. 

Inside the pen is a little brush pile and also a little straw hutch for the bunny to hide. Late afternoon, there is clover, hay, kale, apple peelings, and rabbit pellets put inside. During the night time, the bunny comes out to eat and play.

A silly little post, I know, so thank you for visiting.



  1. What a sweet little story.
    I'm always the one trying to save a baby rabbit, not all make it I'm afraid.
    I wish him well......

  2. Well, I am not surprised it is thriving under your care. Loved seeing all the buns today.

  3. So sweet! I read this with the same interest that I recall from favorite books as a child.
    Seriously - you have the makings of a children's book here.

    1. I agree about a children's book! I've often thought you could write a series of stories for children Henny!

    2. Bonnie, thank you! I'm afraid my vocabulary is too small to ever think about writing even a children's book. When I read what I write it reminds me of the first grade readers..."See Jane run", See Dick run", See Spot Jump". :)

    3. Oh Marty! What a compliment! and coming from someone who has written and had published at least two books that I know about. It embarrasses me to read what I write. Thank you very much!

  4. I have been wondering how your bunnies are doing. I hope the wild baby thrives; under your care it has a good chance.
    Cinnamon bun copes with the heat by staying mostly in the sleeping part of her cage. I've read that rabbits have a hard time with the heat but with her cage being in the shade I think she'll manage just fine.

  5. When I see the differences between domesticated and wild animals it always amazes me what humans can do in just a short span of time. You certainly won't find a beautiful coat like Penny's in the wild

  6. Looks like all the bunnies are doing well. Maybe the wild one will want to stay around. : )

  7. It stands to reason if anyone could nurse it along it would be you, Henny Doolittle.

  8. cute post and such cute little bunnies! I'm glad you are able to help the tiny one out and get it started well in life! Glad you know what to feed it too, I don't know anything about bunnies!

  9. I used to have an all white rabbit named Bun Bun. That is amazing that the baby wild bunny is doing so well. As you said, they usually die of shock. You must have the magic touch.

  10. So sweet of Ann to think of you as the Bunny Whisperer. Hope you'll keep us up on how the little thing is doing.

  11. Love all your bunnies. Glad your taking care of that little wild bunny. Nancy

  12. This is a fun, sweet post! I Love all your bunnies.

  13. It's a sweet post!! The wild bun must be old enough to not need milk. Congrats on keeping it alive! My sister and I had a pair of rabbits when we were kids. They had a big run, and when my sisters rabbit had a litter, she dug a big hole and had them underground. She would only tend to them at night, the hole was plugged up with dirt during the day. Finally one morning, one of the babies got left out, and then we knew they were old enough to leave the nest. It was pretty neat really. The nest was under a garden at the front of the run, and we actually had a spy hole into it from above.

  14. Not a silly post at all, my friend! It is no wonder we enjoy each other so much...we think alike! I LOVE this kind of post. :) You are so thoughtful of how you care for your critters, Henny. I love it that you made the little hiding place for the wild bunny. It is probably one reason that it is thriving instead of dying. xx

  15. Henry, what a wonderful post! You are such a sweet lady. Hope it cools off for the bunnies soon.

  16. A precious little post!

    Henny-Penny, the "Bunny Whisperer"!!!! :-)))))

    Luna Crone

  17. No, a sweet little post . . . you have a big heart :)

  18. Hi,
    You are so good with animals. I tried to save a wild bunny. You are right, they usually pass on from fear as this one did. Poor little guy had a heart attack. He just would not settle down.

    I enjoyed this Bunny Love post.

  19. Not a silly post at all I really enjoyed it. Hope everything goes well with the wild rabbit.

  20. Henny, I never knew anyone as amazing as you are with animals! You make it look so easy, but I know better, setting up a little hutch and screens to make a little wild bunny safe and keep from harm, knowing it is safe and well fed. I always learn so much from you, I wish had a half of your of knowledge, just a smidgen! XO Terry

  21. Oh Henny...what a wonderful thing you are doing in taking care of the wild bunny...but your other ones are just darling :0) mari

  22. Why am I not surprised to learn that you are taking care of an baby wild bunny in need of help??????????????

  23. Aw! Sweet, Henny! I'm afraid we're overwhelmed with wild bunnies here.

  24. Your bunnies all look fat and happy! I hope the wild one continues to thrive and hop away on his own one day. With all those treats to eat and his snug little bunny home he might never WANT to leave though.


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