
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Dear me, how time flies!

Seems like I ended my last post with something about coming back with Christmas decorations. :) Anyhow, glad February is here. We had some really cold days in January...

Rare to see icicles like these around here. These were on the fig tree near the back porch...and the teeny tiny pond froze over...

and miss ducky was not able to swim for a couple of weeks. makes me wonder how ducks, geese, birds, survive north of us where it's like this all winter?? 

Anyhow, I do have a special Christmas picture to show you, well very special to me. Remember our great granddaughter, Violet, born last May 25th? Well, her parents carried her to see Santa. Here she is at 7 months old...

Not one bit afraid of Santa, in fact, looks like she thoroughly enjoyed being with him...So much so that Santa read her a book. :)

 Violet has the sweetest personality. Here's one of the latest pictures from Andee. Grandma Andee and Violet...

Sorry, I don't have a recent grandpa and Violet picture. I'll have to ask for one. 

So, Eli and Ellie have both had birthdays...

Oops! A little lop-sided picture. Poppy must have been rocking the recliner when he took this one. :) Ellie turned 4 in December and Eli turned 11 in January. Our sweetie-pies. 

Love how Ellie crosses her front feet...

Such a smart girl, and she is doing great with her Addison's long as we keep her prescriptions filled. It's the steroids that keep her going. Miss Ellie takes 13 pills a day. We love her so much. She is worth every penny. We love Eli just as much.

Isn't it amazing how quickly things change. Take the country road we live on for example. I have always dearly loved a country dirt road, especially a path with the roadsides and ditches filled with wildflowers and bunnies. This morning as we started our walk with Eli and Ellie, the sight of the road made me sad. What happened, I asked Poppy...

Of course, I realize it's winter. Things will look better come spring. But a week ago during the cold frigid weather there was a guy cutting and sawing all along the path...even chopped down a small holly tree and a few young cedar trees. :(  No longer looks like a country path but the beginning of a four-lane highway.  Heaven forbid! 

Guess I've worn out my welcome today. Thanks for listening. 

Love, Henny


  1. You haven't worn out your welcome, Henny! I loved all the photos you shared here, especially of Violet with Santa and her Grandma. She is absolutely adorable! I know you are over the moon about this sweet little lady. Blessings to all!

  2. Eli and Ellie look so comfy there, covering every inch of furniture. And so cuddly. Wish I could reach out for a pat.

  3. Don't you just dislike it when the berms and curbs have to be cut back just as the saplings take hold. Here they've been taking down seriously old old old huge trees close to the road for many miles long. In the summer it is going to be so hot without that lovely shade. I know you had the snow this winter! And those icicles, for a few days it was like you lived way north. We had nights way below zero and days just above 10. January thaw this week and should be much more liveable but still winter. Violet is a sweetie and so nice that she was not afraid of Santa. Now to see what she's like when she's older, lol. And Eli has turned 11, oh my. Miss Eli looks good and proud to say you take good care of her. We send purrs and pets to Smokey. Don't wait til Easter to post, lol.

  4. I am glad to see your post! I know you are proud as a peacock over that baby! She is adorable. Of course, Eli and Ellie are precious, as always. I know what you mean about the cost of Ellie's prescriptions being worth every penny. I mean, how could you not spend the money!? I feel the same ways about the country paths being destroyed. Sad, isn't it.

    Grace & Peace,


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