
Friday, March 26, 2021

Catching up

Dearest friends,

I haven't moved away or stopped blogging, not quite anyhow. It's just that spring stopped by and carried me away.

Oh, I do believe this flowering quince is my favorite! This pretty shrub blooms whenever it darn well pleases, even in January, occasionally!

But back to my taking up with Spring and disappearing...

Oh, I have been all over the place...I've dug ditches and hauled loads of dirt from across the road. I've taken down two arbors and two overgrown vines. I've washed flower pots and scrubbled the teeny tiny greenhouse, and moved things around at the playhouse...again!

Still not exactly right, but there's more open space and room to work...

and washing flower pots! My neighbor Windy called and asked, "Mel, can I bring you some flower pots"? I was expecting a stack of black plastic but no...
she brought most of the clay pots here and look inside the greenhouse...
a good place to dry them. Some are plastic but not all...
some are heavy pottery pots. I'm tickled to death!

and the ditch :) ...

the black dot way back at the driveway is the drain pipe where for years the runoff has run down the short ditch, just past that big tree, then cut across to the left and run through the goat lot carrying the soil out the back and down the hill . Well DUH!! why not dig a ditch on past the little barn and lot, and so I did!
See the mud in the bottom left corner? That is the ditch that now passes the barn and lot. Must say, I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment. The ditch certainly doesn't look like one made by heavy equipment...but I will keep digging it out a little every day...

Oh, and the washed-away goat lot...
it is now my goal to single-handedly (is that a word) :) fill in the back side of the lot with loads of dirt and all the leaves from the back yard; two tarp loads a day!

Oh, Rosie and Heidi are loving it, especially when the sun warms the leaves...a black dot and white dot...

We had rain showers this morning, in fact, Eli, Weetie, and I were caught in one. 

I had just looked out and the clouds were moving away.  The sun had come out and the sky was showing patches of  blue, and Grandma Thomas always said, "it won't rain as long as there is enough blue in the sky to make a cat a pair of britches", so off we went. We were at the far end of the dam when the rain came.  :)

And my post wouldn't be complete with a sweet face or two...of daffodills, these just might be my favorite...
or maybe these...
or these...

but to me, the sweetest most precious face of all...

eating eggs and bananas. What a sweetie pie! He has grown so much!

You may remember this picture of  Kendall, our Great Grandson, born last July...

Oh my! This is way too much of a post. I've simply got to post more often and make them shorter. Hope you aren't thoroughly worn out and fed up. I'll try to do better. :)



  1. Love all your pics, Henny. And especially love that recent one of your great grandson... adorable!

  2. Kendall sure is a cutie!!
    Sure looks like spring by you and sounds like you've really been busy. Wow how nice to get all those flower pots!!!

  3. How wonderful to see Henny Penny Lane all spruced up for spring, but best of all is seeing the adorable g-grandson. Happy spring, Henny, and take care!

  4. This is a great post! I love seeing everything!

  5. Woman, you work too hard!! I can't believe you dug a ditch ( but I can see that it does help a lot). Your Quince is so pretty and that great grandson is just adorable, You have beautiful Daffodils. It looks like Spring around your home.

  6. Your post is jam-packed with goodness! Your ditch is wonderful! I love the curves in it. Will you have to put stones in it as we do here? (Our dry ditches in case of a rain.) You hit the jackPOT with those pots! I love the daffs but the quince has my heart!

  7. Such a precious little boy! I have two more greats now; haven't seen one of them yet.
    Take it easy ~ dirt is very heavy to carry!

  8. What a beautiful child!
    Henny, I don't get tired at all of your carrying on. It's delightful to catch up with you and your adventures in the teeny tiny farm.
    Your daffodils are lovely. Nothing says Spring like Daffodils.

  9. You have been so busy! I'm jealous of all your Spring flowers.
    Your great grandson is adorable!

  10. ♥ God bless your work and your family!

  11. You say, "Hope you aren't thoroughly worn out " LOL All that work, you're the one that should be worn out. You did so much work and have so many plans for even more. I wish that I had half your energy. If you find a way to bottle it up and sell it, put me down for the first case :)

  12. Your Quince blooms are just beautiful! Your ditch is working good too! What a cute baby!! Hope you get to see him often!

  13. Henny that little grand guy of yours is a doll. Love the pic of him eating his eggs and bananas! You have to be forgiven for being away so long...Spring has certainly Sprung in your part of the world! I love all the flowers and the flowering looks so beautiful. And have you ever been busy....digging ditches and whatnot. Love all your new pots too....clay and otherwise! Daffodils always make me smile....thanks for the smiles today Henny!

  14. You have been busy! That quince is lovely. I don't see many of those. Maybe they aren't meant for my zone. Your grandbaby is a keeper! -Jenn

  15. Oh my! So much beautiful in this post! Your sweet little great-grandson is just as adorable and cute as all of those beautiful flowers! Your greenhouse and play room both look so nice and ready for fun and gardening. You are really smart to move the water with the ditch but please be careful digging ditches. That sounds like a back ache to me! Have a fun weekend Henny!

  16. Kendall has the most beautiful eyes! You've been busy! Your drainage ditch is brilliant. Good for you! And the gift of the flower pots. How wonderful was that!? I spy several that I would love to have. I can't wait to get to the new house and plant some flowers in pots. Your daffodils are so pretty. They always seem to be such a delicate flower to me, but they survive a lot of harsh weather in the springtime.
    Enjoy your spring time, it's such a short season.

  17. What a beautiful baby, he certainly beats the flowers for first prize for cuteness :)

  18. What a lot of hard work, digging trenches must be back breaking but worth all the effort. The pots are a delight, what a generous neighbour. What a sweetie your great grandson is, a real joy.

  19. we the very bottom, so l'll
    hold everything up for you Henny! :).
    Just got back from town, and the sun is out and
    beaming through the Paddington Bear curtains! :).

    Your whole place is amazing, everything looks so
    neat and tidy, and in it's place, the photos once
    again are amazing to..! Love them! :).
    AND..The pots are great, all different but mostly
    pottery pots, best things ever for growing plants

    AND..Look at Kendall..goodness has'nt he grown in
    a few months..mmmmM! I like eggs and bananas..!
    Though l don't think l can get into my high~chair
    anymore..Yes! I still have it..though the bottom
    bit, the legs were sawn off way back..! :O).
    ♫♪•*¨*•.¸ðŸ”¥ðŸ’›ðŸ”¥¸.•*¨*•♪♫ ♫♪•*¨*•.¸ðŸ”¥ðŸ’›ðŸ”¥¸.•*¨*•♪♫

  20. I don't see how you can get blog posts done at all, considering how much you WORK at your place!! All that digging and hauling - wow - it will keep you in shape! You sweet great-grandson is adorable. Isn't is shocking how fast they grow, and how much they change?

  21. You've been very busy Henny- lots done and planned to do. Your Great Grandson has certainly grown- before you know it Kendal will be walking around your Farm chasing chooks! Best Wishes. KEV. (Sydney-Australia).

  22. Kendall is sweet face to end the post with. Just love seeing your Spring weather coming on with the flowers
    and such. and the colorful flower pots. Makes winter start to look like a bad dream. What a job digging the
    ditch out, but looks like it will be beneficial. Lynn and Precious

  23. I love that, spring stopped by and carried you away! My blog has been very quiet for the same reason. Your flowers are so lovely and those flower pots — what a gift! In the fall I collect them from the trash people put out by the road, but don’t tell anyone! What a darling little boy and he has grown so much.

  24. Hi Henny,
    I am jealous of all the pots. You lucky girl. :-) I know you will have fun using them.
    As always I love reading your posts.
    Stay well,

  25. Hi Henny...SPRING HAS SWEPT YOU AWAY. LOL I can see why. I love it all especially your teeny tiny greenhouse. It's such a personal spot, isn't it? A place to escape. :-) And boy, you did alright with the handed down pots. What a nice neighbour. I know you will make great use of them. Your great grandson is so cute. Enjoy every minute with him. I'm looking forward to seeing my lot soon. Have fun making Henny Penny Lane beautiful and have a wonderful Easter. sending hugs to all. xo

  26. What a handsome sweetie pie you have....You have been a super busy lady and I know all too well how hard it is to keep up with the yard during Spring. I also know how tired you must be and perhaps a bit sore. Everything looks beautiful...

  27. It was a beautiful post! Your great-grandson is just adorable!

  28. It is easy to get carried away by spring. I have a flowering quince, it was one of the few flowering things that were here when we moved. I was just out yesterday putting in fertilizer spikes at the shrubs and trees and the quince was one of stops. I did that a couple of years ago and as amazed (duh---slow learner)at what a difference it made in their looks, flowering and health. Spring is definitely here-----so many things are up, many all leafed out and buds swelling, and some even flowering. Lots of raking out of beds and weeding and mulching going on here. I have 9 trilliums up so far! Yea! A good many more little groups of Dutchman's Breeches, and even some additional bloodroots-----all just coming along on their own in the shady back (formerly Union Station for traveling deer).

  29. Oh my what a year can do to make Kendal even cuter and much bigger. Your chores sound like fun. Hoping next week to get some warmer days to dig in the dirt. My flowering quince has not started blooming yet but it looks like it will not be long. Hope you have a blessed Easter. Hugs!

  30. Such a pleasant post..always. :0) Happy Spring and Have a Blessed Easter. He is Risen! Love the beauty of Spring and your baby great grandson.

  31. Your plants and flowers have me wishing I was in Texas still, instead of on the prairie in Illinois where the temperature is far from spring-like today. Miss you. Sugar

  32. Hi Henny! :))) I've disappeared lately myself! :) Spring is is summer, fall...winter seems to be the only season where I don't feel swamped...but then I kind of like it that way! :) What a beautiful gift you received, all of those lovely pots!!!! The daffodils are so gorgeous! We still have a little while before seeing flowers out there! :)

  33. Your Great Grandson is a cutie for sure.

    Your flowering quince bush brings back memories if of the Quince in my Mom and Dad's front yard. I am wondering if your quince bush is an old one. My Mom's was very old but it was at the corner of the yard near the street and had to be trimmed back so it never got as big and beautiful as yours. It used to be so exciting to see the flowering quince finally come into bloom so early each spring. Mom's was that same pretty coral color as yours is. Ours used to get small quince apples on it that smelled so good to me when I was a kid.


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