
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Big Picture Post!

Through the tangle of trees and vines, I saw the early morning sun shining on the east facing side of the house...coming home from our walk with Eli and Weetie.

Dear friends,

Thank you for the nice comments on my last post. Sorry for not getting back to reply to each one. One of these days! 

Oh, the sun has been shining warm and bright, and temperatures reaching 70 degrees yesterday and today...

My camera was in my pocket, for a change, so I took pictures of our walk...

and guess who tagged along with us...

going 10 miles per hour...

Can't you go any faster, asked Weetie!

Nope, and if you rush me, I won't go at all.

Need to come on. Poppy and Eli are leaving us! So we walk to the end of this road then turn around and... 

coming back to the house, we turn and go down a little path here at the end of the goat lot and that leads to the pond...

after weeks and weeks of dreary rainy weather and dark days...the sun makes it all look beautiful.

and since we pass the bunny lot on the way to the pond...
these are the three bunny condos I built using cinder blocks and tin. The bunnies seem to love them. I filled each one with lots of soft hay. 

Seeing as how this is a big picture's another kinda neat one...

from the living room I noticed a Cardinal looking in the window. The flag was blowing behind him.

Maybe this second picture is better. Couldn't decide. I love it! Our State bird, the American flag!

It's bed time...I hear feet coming this way...Eli's and Poppy's. Better go. 


Shoot, I had the most adorable pictures of our little Great Grandson Kendall. Will post later.


  1. always a good feeling when the weather clears up after a long dull spell.

  2. I love all the pictures of your walk Henny.....and when you said something was following you, I thought at first glance that it was a woodchuck!!!! Ha...but then I saw it was your Smokey! He is a beauty...especially that pic with the sun shining on his fur! Love that cardinal and flag pic too. Thanks for coming back so soon. Always a fun blog to read!

    1. Thank you Diane. You have put up with me long time. :) Yes, I thought Smokey looked like some wild animal too.

  3. You have such wonderful pictures Henny! I just love your place. The pictures of Weetie and Smokey are so cute. You are right, you just can't rush a cat and if you try they won't budge!

    1. Thank you Bonnie. I know, cats are so funny that way.

  4. What a wonderful post to wake up to, l've
    had breakfast, lemon tea, sat down, sun
    shining through the Paddington Bear curtains,
    and enjoying the photos..
    HeHe! Poor old Smokey, trying to keep up, and
    Weetie giving him grief..! :).
    But! Then! Everything stops for a pussy~cat..!
    Bet, he had a long sleep at home later..! :).

    I shall never get used to you calling that a
    pond, Henny! I'm afraid over here it would be
    a lake, and a BIG one at that..But then everything
    is so much bigger over there than here..l know l've
    experienced it..! And, l've always been pro American,
    and l do fly the American flag on the 4th of July!

    Well, best get some washing to go out on the
    line, sunny but still cold..few things to see to, l
    like to keep busy..!
    Julie in New Zealand has posted, best get over there,
    but, first things first, another lemon tea..! :O).
    🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃

    1. Ah, thank you Willie. Don't you just love the early morning sun shining through the windows. My only complaint is that it shows up all the dust in the house. Smokey does his own thing and it drives Weetie crazy. Those two are big buddies though. Wish you could see them playing together. Oh, I'll have to visit Julie's blog. She is so neat!

  5. Hi Henny- Great photos...good to see Smokie tagging along the trail. We're in Autumn now- with Storms about. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Thank you Kev. I've got to get over and visit. Can't imagine it being Autumn there. Hope the storms aren't bad.

  6. Henny, wonderful Spring photos. Love the red cardinal and our American Flag. Looks great in the sun.
    Looks like the whole family took a great walk on the road, except Dumperoo. Imagine he is at home
    enjoying some sun puddle in the house. The rabbits look content and have an exceptional house to live in. Lynn

    1. Thank you Lynn. I sure wish Dumperoo would go outside with us. He is so afraid. If I leave the front door wide open, he will venture out onto the porch but dashes back in if we walk out.

  7. Good morning Henny, Loved the picture post! I think that's a very innovative way of making the bunnies little houses without breaking the bank and they are probably easy to care for. The bunnies love them! It looks glorious there, so spring is trying to show us her pretty face! Love the walk pictures too!

  8. Loved all your pictures! Especially the ones with the cardinal and the flag!

  9. I enjoyed the walk in your woods. Those look like such snug and comfy bunny houses. We haven’t seen our yard bunny for over a week and I’m worried about her/him.

  10. I like your photo of the flag and cardinal. Great capture!

  11. What a lovely walk you all had. Your ponds looks so nice with the sun shining on it. Beautiful cardinal and love the bunny condo! They looks so nice and cozy.

  12. You get lovely reflections on your pond. Looks like your animal escorts were having fun on your walk too.

  13. What a lovely post with all the pictures and the four-legged pals going with you for a nice walk. Sunshine makes everything seem wonderful. Just a few more days and Spring will officially be here. Things are looking up.

  14. Great to see all of you out and about and enjoying the sunshine. It always felt special to me when one of the cats decided to come along as well :)

  15. I enjoyed your walk! The bunnies certainly have a lovely setting, too! Have to mention I love the name Wheetie. What a sweet and clever name.

  16. I'm so happy to see the warmth of Spring happening here in New England! I love Spring and look forward to the many signs of it's arrival. I love your pictures of your walks and your hubby and animals. Love that your kitty walks along with you, all a part of your little family. Love the bunny condos, so cute and practical, too. The cardinal is so pretty and reminds us of our loved ones in heaven. Have a great weekend.

  17. A really nice walk with the best company! I've no doubt you felt energized afterwards! I also love the photo with the flag and Cardinal, postcard perfect!

  18. Ah I am so glad you took me along on your beautiful walk. It is certainly looking like spring is arriving in your neck of the woods. The pond photo is awesome. God bless you and have a lovely weekend. Hugs!

  19. Spring is just around the Corner. Enjoyed your photos and babies... Such a great photo with Old Glory and the Cardinal. We will survive...Winter and All.. :0) .. Have a blessed day..Thank you for your precious.

  20. Spring has certainly sprung where you are. The walk was so refreshing and no better company than Smokey to make it more enjoyable. I love little trips around your property and to visit the bunny pen. How I would love some bunnies. Peter Rabbit, the wild one, will have to do for now. 70 degrees sounds so wonderful. We won't be long now. Snow is melting away, birds are returning and the chips are running amuck. Love to all, Deb

  21. Hi Henny! Oh wow! The cardinal is SO red and beautiful!

  22. Saint Michael the Archangel defend us from combat.🙏🏼 Be our shield against visible and invisible enemies.🙏🏼

  23. I am also enjoying this warmer spring like weather. Yesterday we had our first spring storm though, and I surely do not like those!
    Than you for taking me along on your walk. Have a blessed day!

  24. I loved my visit to your farm. You have a beautiful spot on this earth. The bunny condos are really nice! Was that Smokey following you on your walk? What a gorgeous cat.

  25. Loved this group of photos...I have had this open more than once and just could not settle down to fully enjoy it. My mind is almost gone...LOL Our state bird is the Norther Cardinal, too.

  26. I always enjoy my visits to your charming blog . . . spring is coming sweet friend. Have you started any indoor seeds?


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