
Monday, February 28, 2022

Thoughts of spring and Hen saddles

Hey friends,

Sorry I haven't been around to visit lately. To be honest, I'm glad to see the month of February come to an end. February has always been the hardest month to get through. Tired of winter and wishing for spring, but this has been an unusually difficult February.

So, going into March with hopes of happier days, like this sweetest tiny bird's nest...

the strong winds lately must have blown the little nest down. Walking Eli and Ellie yesterday, I found it lying upside down on the wet ground. How can a tiny bird build something so perfect?  The nest fits in the palm of my hand but has a deep interior woven in very soft materials. Looks like two or three Eli hairs woven in there too.  Hurry up spring!

Been seeing a lot lately about regrowing green from ends and stalks cut from vegetables. Thought I would give it a try and was amazed at how fast, especially the lettuce, began to grow...

Does anyone actually like green carrot tops and celery tops?? Guess I'll give it a try. Seems like folks eat about anything now days. 

Growing up, mama used to give us the carrots tops when she cut up carrots to cook, and gave each of us a jar lid. We'd put a little water in the lid and a carrot top and sit it in the kitchen window to grow. 

Can't wait to see just how big the lettuce will grow. Why I might be out in the little greenhouse gathering salad greens soon. :) I may have left the stalks too long on these, not sure.

Gosh, I remember back in the early 1950s, mama and us going up in the country to see Aunt Ruby.

Thought I would throw in this old picture taken before I was born, but that's Aunt Ruby, top row, third from the right, next to the boys. The girlie girl in front on bottom row, second from left, is my sweet mama.

Anyhow, Aunt Ruby's garden was not far from the house so before going to sit in the yard under a shade tree, mama and Aunt Ruby would  gather a few cucumbers. Mama loved to eat a cucumber right from the garden...and with a little paring knife would peel the cucumber and sprinkle it with was so good.

Once upon a time as  I was about to bite into an unpeeled cucumber, mama said, no, no, no! Let me peel it first. The peeling might hurt your stomach. Like I said, now folks eat everything. 

The cabbage plant I dug from the compost bin is growing...

looks like this one needs to be planted in the garden. Have another growing from a stalk in the little white pot. All this probably won't amount to much, but its fun. Keeps my mind off other things.

Thank goodness I go for the MRI on Wednesday and then to see the doctor on Friday. My shoulder pain seems to be a bit better, but not the nerve pain. 

Better end this. Here it is about bed time and I am sewing on three little hen aprons or saddles. We have three hens that need them. Roosters can be awfully rough on the little hens backs.

Take care friends. Hope to be back soon.




  1. I imagine your bunnies might like carrot greens. And we don't eat cucumber peels because they give us gas. :)
    Hope the doctors can help you, Henny. God bless.

  2. I throw away a lot of celery and lettuce stalks... never thought that they would grow. May have to try this. Didn't even know that carrot tops were edible. They are kind of pretty though... look a bit like fern. Sure hope your MRI goes well and that your nerve pain can be taken care of soon.

  3. I sure hope that MRI is helpful to the doctors and that they can take care of that pain. You've dealt with it all long enough. I enjoyed seeing all of your plantings. We've had some warm days lately and more yet this week but March is still to come and sometimes it's the worst snowy weather possible. We desperately need moisture, but not snow. :-)
    Take care and give Eli and Ellie big hugs for me.
    Blessings and love,

  4. Bird's nests are always amazing to me! Birds are sure talented builders. I just love that picture of your family. Your Mother is beautiful! There is something special about old photos. I am so thankful that you are finally going to get the MRI and see the doctor. I sure hope that will help them to figure out the best way to help you. Take care Henny!

  5. I think the birds nest would look nice
    with a little flowering plant in it..! :)

    And..I can honestly put my hand up and
    'There isn't anything l don't eat'...
    And..some of the so called food, l've
    thrown down my throat, is amazing!
    HeHe! I won't bore you..!

    And! Yes! We as kids used to put the tops
    of carrots in water..and even the tops
    of pineapples, then put them on top of a
    pot of would flower, but no fruit! :(.

    Your plants are doing well Henny..keep talking
    to them..and, if they stop growing..shout at
    them..! HeHe! Bless! :O).
    😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾

  6. I truly enjoy seeing you family picture. It reminds me so much of my mother's photos and my grandmother. Everyone wore such lovely dresses back then. I do hope your MRI gives you some answers that you certainly need. I also used to do The Carrot Tops when I was a kid. It's just the kids had more hands on real toys back then instead of all this computer stuff. Take care and have a good week. Lynn and Precious XX

  7. Hi HENNY - hope you recover well and be back to your self once more. Lots of Rain here - first day of Autumn. Best Wishes. KEV.

  8. Hope all goes well with the MRI and that it will highlight what is needed for a speedy recovery. Such fun to see all your little experiments with the tops...

  9. Today is the day blogger lets me comment. I agree February is "usually" the worst month for me even though it is the shortest month. Having been ill made it worse, all of January was twice as long. Starting seeds today. Hoping you are soon on the mend. Thank you for commenting on my blog too. Birds nests are fascinating, nature is so awesome. Momma bird works very hard to build those.

  10. Your nest is beautiful. I have them in my studio-ones that have fallen from trees. And a big ole bee hive-I made sure no bees would hatch-I looked it up because it's a white faced hornet nest, but it's beautiful too.
    I had no idea that hen's saddles were made! But it's a good idea. I know my geese, when I had a small flock of them, were pretty brutal. Some of the geese would have bald spots on their heads!

  11. I love when I find a nest. You are right, it is simply amazing how a little bird can make such an amazing little nest to raise a family.
    xx oo

  12. So good to see this post. It will be fun watching what comes of your growing the greens. I bet the lettuce might actually do something worthwhile. I don't know if people eat carrot tops, but like you say, it will keep your mind occupied.

    I alway marvel at birds' nests. They are amazing. I don't understand how they built one so strong.

  13. I've grown celery like that but not lettuce or carrots.
    Yes, it is amazing how birds build their nests so perfect.

  14. What a pretty nest! Hope you get some relief from your pain soon. I think we could grow lots more greens if we only tried!

  15. I love that old photo with your sweet mama in it.
    I hope the MRI shows what's giving you all this pain.

  16. Anxious to hear what the doctor tells you about your shoulders. Hopefully you can get some relief.

    I feel like I'm getting an education from your blog! I, too, am growing lettuce from the stems/roots, and have been pleased. AND....after a lifetime of ignorance, I figured out that I won't throw out ruined green onions if I bring them home and PLANT THEM IN A POT !!! Always have fresh greens/onion when I need them and NO MORE WASTE! Will celery grow enough to really use? I'm anxious to see.


  17. I hope all goes well with the MRI and that you'll soon get relief from the awful nerve pain.
    I enjoy looking at old pictures. Your Mom sure was pretty.
    I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know why anyone put those saddles on hens and I was a farm girl!! Now I learned something.
    I'm going to try that lettuce growing idea. A young fellow at a farmers market told me radish tops were delicious. NOT TRUE. Yucky and harsh.

  18. Good luck at MRI-- keep us posted ok?

  19. Hey Hennie! I hope you get to feeling back to your old self soon, let us know what the MRI shows if you can. Love your old pictures, you and your Mom are such beautiful women. I never heard of aprons or saddles for hens, but you educate me far more than I would admit. I will also try the greens growing trick, but we will see because I haven't seen that by anyone yet, but I will try anything once. Love you, Terry

  20. Good luck at MRI. Thinking of you.

  21. I hope all goes well with the MRI. It's nice to see things growing. Gives hope of spring.

  22. It’s great to have things growing and soon it will be your garden, now that it’s March! I save celery leaves and tops of the stalks chopped up in the freezer to throw in whenever I make soup. I hope your MRI today revealed the problem and it’s something easily fixable.

  23. I use those celery tops in cooking. I just chop them up a bit and throw them into soups, stews, and even spaghetti. Anything that you would put the celery stalk in can have the leaves added for good measure. At the grocery I always try to get celery that has some good looking leaves at the top and am aggravated when I see the leaves have just been chopped off. They probably would be good in salads also, I've not tried that.

    Hope the MRI came through okay and throws some light on how to proceed. You've got to be in fighting trim for spring.

  24. We sprouted a cabbage from the end and planted it in the garden.. It didn't make a cabbage but we ate the leaves. Wish I had had some hen saddles back in the day when I kept chickens and had a rooster.

  25. I have a celery sprouting from a bottom, but I've never tried lettuce. I love the idea! Especially when we have a winter with too many cold spells so that my winter lettuce refuses to thrive.

    I hope you had a good report from the doctor and are on the mend.

  26. How kind you are to the little hens! Thank you! If the lettuce leaves are bitter, maybe the hens will eat them. But I bet they will be good. I had good luck with growing some green onions from the little white ends. I just needed a little bit and they grew a bit! The carrots make such a pretty, ferny bunch of greens. Reminds me of parsley in terms of taste, but so strong! Maybe if you make "juices" or "health juices" they would be good to put in the juice for the vitamins?

  27. I am hoping that your MRI will provide you with good answers to heal your pain. Prayers and hugs to you. February this year has been a hard sad month, since we lost our Sophie. You have a very good green thumb! Everything looks so healthy and crisp!

  28. I love that you're rescuing stumps of veggies to regrow! That lettuce looks quite good, I think. Clever you!
    I made a hen saddle once for my 1st rooster's "favorite" hen, Punkin. She didn't like it, and I attached the elastics with two buttons, which rubbed her, and that wasn't good. In the end I took it off. Punkin and Bernie the rooster are both long gone now.
    I do hope you feel better soon, dear. I can FEEL you weariness of the pain in your writing. May the doctors get you better, with the Lord's help.

  29. I love your photo of your Mama and relatives. I wish we dressed like that now - in pretty feminine dresses. Everything changes, as well as the things we eat. I was surprised some years ago when I bought a summer subscription to an organic farm to find beet greens in my box! They supplied a recipe similar to this: It was delicious. Besides the beet greens, I'd never eaten chard or kale until that summer. I'm glad you're helping your little hens! Would love to see your saddles. I hope the MRI will help find something to do for your pain. God be with you! ♥♥♥


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