
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

My aching back!

Dear friends,

Sorry to have been away so long...I am having a terrible time with my back. It started last Saturday...the excruciating pain, and the stiffness. It hurts to lie down, or sit, or stand up straight, or walk. Sleeping was impossible over the weekend...I sat on the couch both nights with a pillow behind my lower back.

Early Monday morning after calling my doctor, I called my sister Shelby. She was out with Jimmy feeding the cows, but answered her cell phone, and said she would be right over.

She drove me to the doctor's office and then on to radiology for x-rays.  My doctor said he found no obvious fracture, put me on pain medication, and said I should lay as horizontal as I possibly can and rest for three more days. Not being able to walk is killing me!

Hope to be better, and back real soon...and hope you will come back too.



  1. Henny, take this advice from someone who has two discs in their back fused together after 22 years of back problems. Get to a chiropractor as soon as you can. I couldn't walk in one time but was able to walk out. A good chiropractor will really make a difference. The doctors I saw that time only wanted to give me drugs (which were no help) and send me home. Also, when you get up from bed, turn on your side and use your hand to help you sit up, then get up from there. Good luck.

  2. Oh no, Henny. I do hope you recuperate soon. I understand all too well how back pain can be. I went through years of chiropractic appointments years ago. Sending you a hug, Deb

  3. Oh I am so sorry you are having back problems. Prayers that you will have quick healing. Love you!

  4. Hi! So sorry to hear of your back problem pain. Hope you get to feeling better soon and back to doing what you love doing. My hubby is suffering from back pain now too. Nancy

  5. Well, that's not good. I am stiff and sore from working in the yard, but it's not debilitating. I would be very upset at having to lie flat on my back for three days.

  6. I have aches and pains but none that require me to lie flat of my back for days. Yuck on that. Back pain is really awful and often hard to find the cause. Hope you're feeling better very soon.

  7. Thank heaven for sisters who come to the rescue. I hope you feel better very soon. I can imagine that your animals are missing all the loving attention you give them. Please be careful not to overdo things once you feel up to being up and around !!

  8. I Hope you feel better soon, back pain ios no fun. Take good care of you! :)

  9. I'm so sorry you're in such pain. I hope that a few more days of rest will make a big difference. You need a good recliner; you can take pressure off of your back and get your feet elevated. Sometimes lying down is hard to do, but reclining in an adjustable chair can really help. I sleep in mine occasionally when things aren't right and I don't want to toss and turn and disturb my husband. Take good care of yourself. Do you know what you did to set this off? I hope Poppy's good at taking care of the animals so you won't worry too much about them.

  10. Oh, been there, laid out, taking 10 minutes to change position or get up for the bathroom. Haven't had that for many many years now. I echo the other comments about a chiropractor. I go every 6 weeks. For me it keeps things from getting to the point of being like you are now. Take care of yourself, and go easy on the raking!

  11. Aw, rest well. Sometimes there is nothing we can do but try and rest. I agree that a recliner helps and a heating pad. I also like the chiropractor but you need one who will be gentle. When you are in a lot of pain it is very difficult when you anticipating the "crack" and tensing up is counter productive as well as potentially dangerous. Maybe an acupuncturist would be better. Those little needles especially when vibrating or heated really help.

  12. Take care and rest up, sending you a hug and praying that you will recover soon.

  13. Oh no! And I bet you're like me when my back went. I convinced myself that it was just something that would just work itself out and I kept on going. I probably made things worse.
    You've got to just stay still, although I imagine that won't be easy either, since every possible position hurts.
    I hope this finds you a tiny bit better today.

  14. I'm praying for that back pain to go away! I've been there and it is so frustrating not to mention painful. I'm glad there was no fracture. Take care.

  15. Hope your days of enforced rest do the trick. Right now when everything outside is burgeoning and the weather is turning warm is a horrible time to be stuck inside.

    Take care.

  16. You have my sympathy! Mine flares up from time to time and all you can do is take a pill and hope for the best.

  17. Hope you are feeling better soon! Take care.

  18. Oh so sorry to hear you are in such pain with your back. I've said a prayer for you.
    I know how I'd feel if I couldn't walk!!!

  19. Oh, I am so sorry you are going through this. Back pain is something I would not want to live with. I only have touches every now and then but it is enough to make me have sympathy for you. Hope you feel better soon.

  20. Ooh dear Henny, I'm so sorry to read this.
    I'm a back pain sufferer of old, there's no getting around it.
    Just try and relax as much as possible, heat helps.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  21. Dear Henny I really feel for you, back ache can really bring your mood down. Rest as much as you can with a lovely book. Hope you feel better very soon, best wishes x

  22. You might want to ask him to check your sacroiliac joint. My back and knees have been bothering me. More so since our accident. A doctor stuck his thumb there and I about jumped out of my skin. It hurt when he did that, but not when he didn't! Since starting therapy, I actually feel a bit better, and the *rice krispies* in my neck don't bother me as much, either.
    You will be in my prayers. *hugs* ♥

  23. Oh my goodness sorry to hear about your back. Do you have a good chiropractor close by? Or don't you usually go to them? I think that back pain is the worst there is. I'll be praying for you to feel better soon. Do you know what you were doing when you started to feel all this pain? Did you miss a step? Did you fall down? Did you sleep funny? So sorry.

  24. Mama, I love you!! I want you to be well soon!!!

  25. So sorry your back is causing you pain. It must be difficult to slow down to that extent. May this note find you feeling much improved today.Til you are fully recovered,be kind to YOU.

  26. Oh, goodness, Henny, that's terrible. I hope you get some relief from the pain today. Be good and follow the doctors ofders and don't try to do anything you shouldn't too soon. Sending hugs.

  27. Remember to follow doctor's orders! No raking, no sweeping, no laundry, no vacuuming! Get better soon!

  28. Dear Henny,
    I haven't seen your blog for awhile, but we have internet here now in our hotel. I can echo some of the advice your readers are sending about chiropractic and acupuncture. And you are the recipient of so many healing wishes! This will truly help. One little hint that works for me when lying on your back, make sure you have a pillow or something under your knees, that will relieve the strain of being flat. Love and hugs. ( traveling in Uruguay!) Pam

  29. Hope you are doing ok, Henny. Sending good thoughts your way. Deb

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Prayers for your back, Henny Penny. I love your photos and writings.


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