
Sunday, August 3, 2014

How things change

What a gloomy day. It rained yesterday, it's raining today and is supposed to rain tomorrow and Monday. I will be so in need of the sun by Tuesday. Just hope I am not totally overcome with gloom before then.

I walked Eli down to the pond in the rain late afternoon yesterday. The raindrops on the water and the haze over the pond were beautiful. By the time Eli was back inside and I had the camera the look had changed...

I do love these grasses that hang gracefully over the water...

4:00 am again this morning...things were on my mind, keeping me awake...

How things change over the years. Change so slow and gradual you don't even see it until one day you remember what used to be.  

When Poppy and I bought this five acre piece of land in 1987 we were ten miles from the nearest town. This was country. We loved it! There was a one lane dirt road that went past our land to a dead end. Then there was an even smaller dirt path that ran along side our property.

Our little plot of land 1987. This would soon be our front yard and driveway leading to the dirt path...

and our little cabin would soon sit here...

Over the years more people have bought property out this way. Thankfully, because of the trees and the fact that we have the five acres of land surrounding us, we can't see any of our neighbors and like to pretend none exist. 

More traffic on the little dirt path meant more mud and when two car met on the path well someone had to move over so the road naturally widened over time. By the way, this is a very young Poppy with a cigarette in his mouth. How things have changed!

And the path now......

This was way back when we gardened in the red mud. I hated it. By harvest time the weeds and grass were knee deep...

What a difference in the soil now. Adding compost, leaves, and old hay from the goat and chicken lots have made a huge difference...

This post was started yesterday. Better get busy. Hope to be back soon. I have new little Bantam chicken couple to show you. A surprise gift today from my friend Nellie.

Thank you for visiting.

Henny Penny


  1. Your life is so different from mine, but I love reading about it.

    1. There is no comparison! When I think of the breathtaking sights you see on a daily basis! I do so love reading about your life.

  2. Don't pay any mind to those 4 am thoughts. The simplest things at that time can worry you.
    How fun to see the photos from the past. And you were smart to buy those 5 acres to buffer you from the tides of change.

  3. While we are still in the country, a bypass highway was built in front of our house which has changed the perspective out the front door. I now feel like I need to live out the back because the highway is so close. I don't like it at all, but nothing to do about it except ignore and move on..always grateful for the land we get to live on. I am so not a city girl.

    1. You're right. What could you do. We do appreciate our little five acres too. Things are always changing.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you. There is always something fun to see around a pond.

  5. Hi Henny Penny! I couldn't see the pond photo, but I could see the rest. Oh, how I wish I had my own piece of land to develop into a lovely homestead like yours. The best I'll be able to do someday (I hope) is a small piece of land big enough for me, a couple of chickens and a small garden again. Your life looks dreamy!

    1. Hey Tammy! All you need is a piece big enough for you and a chicken or two. Hope you get that one day soon. Our place is really small, the house, the pond, everything. I like small. Thank you for leaving a comment. It is good to hear from you again.

  6. I loved seeing your land "before and after". Your garden looks quite large in the beginning but so much more fertile now.
    We could definitely use some of your rain here. Things are getting dry and crunchy.
    I hope you don't have anymore 4 a.m. thoughts and get a good night's sleep.

    1. Hey Cynthia! The old garden was larger, but so awful to work in. I was always afraid of stepping on a snake once the weeds and grass took over. I could never control that garden. Hope you get rain soon.

  7. Great story....and, you can send me some of your rain!

    1. Hey Meggie! Wish I could sent you some rain. The sun is out here now and I love the brightness!

  8. Change is good right? I love your place. Sometimes I wish we lived farther off the road but it is not to bad. I was so glad to see the sun come out today. Me and my family have had summer colds and they will not leave. I am so sick of coughing, sneezing and blowing noses.
    Love you!

    1. We've got a little sun today and I am glad too. I sure hate you all have colds. You have had a lot of sickness to deal with lately. A summer cold, to me, makes you feel worse than getting a cold in the winter. Hope you all get well soon. Love you Vicki!

  9. This was way back when we gardened in the red mud. I hated it. By harvest time the weeds and grass were knee deep...
    Yes! That is where we are still, in spite of the neighbor using the area for cows for decades! I can't wait until we are finally able to get chickens, and maybe pigs.
    But Lord knows I AM thankful for what we have. :-) Have a blessed week and enjoy your wonderful scenery. ♥

    1. Hey Linda! You would think the cow manure would have changer the color of the soil. Hope you get your chickens and pigs soon. :)

  10. Fun to see the old photos! We have lived at our place since 1986. I have wondered about your pond (wish we had one) . Is it just yours, or do you share it with other properties?
    I know all about those middle of the night, early in the morning thoughts:( Sometimes I do come up with my best ideas then though!

    1. Hey Karen! So we both moved into our homes about the same time. The pond is just ours. It is just a little over an acre in size which fits just right in our little plot of land. Our back yard slopes downward and we get 40 acres of run-off...according to the wildlife or agricultural resources people. I get good ideas lying awake at night too, and make a lot of lists of things to do. :)

  11. You have such a fine spot, 5 acres to look upon and know that just about everything there has been tended, moved, built, cut back, chopped, fed or moved by you and Poppy. So much effort and caring, wow. It is amazing, and if you are awake at 4 am, I think you know that it is a pretty big club to belong to! It would seem that all the work you do would have you exhausted, but our bodies do strange things. Hope this is just for the moment, otherwise, you could call me, but it would be 1 am here....guess not!

    1. Hey Pam! I think there are lots of people who have trouble sleeping. Seems like it is mostly women. Must be the stress and all that we put up with! :) Gosh can you imagine me calling you to talk at 1 am! :) Good to hear from you!

  12. Your beautiful farm is a credit to all the hard work and dedication that Poppy and yourself have accomplished over the years. Only nurturing and love of the land, gets results like yours.
    It's amazing to look back at the old pictures and see just how much work has gone into the place, always more to do, and always more plans in the works.
    I s'pect it's the difference between those folks who are content living in apartment boxes and those who'd rather be working the land.
    Send your rain this way...we're drying out ;)

    1. Hey Jo! Thank you! The weather people were wrong and we didn't get as much rain as we first thought. We got plenty though! :)

  13. "Before pictures" are so nice to have around. It's amazing the changes that occur in just a few years. Many times they are so incremental that we lose track of all that has been accomplished. Before pictures help a lot with that. Always good to pat ourselves on the back for all our hard work!

    1. Hey Vic! I do love looking at old pictures to see how things have changed...except for pictures of me. That's almost scary. :)

  14. And still happy there. It is a wonderful life. Enjoy.

    1. Hey Gail! That's right! It is a wonderful life. Thank you.

  15. I remember those days! My, how the time flies!! You have done so much out there. It looks great! Love you Mama!!


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