
Friday, August 9, 2024

A little post to say, "I am still here!"

 and thankful too considering all the storms yesterday from Tropical Storm Debby! Oh my gosh! Our little Franklin County made the local news big time with three tornado warnings and two of those tornadoes touching down, with damage. One tornado touched down just east of us and the other just west of us and were only five miles apart. Scary! and any of you that have read my blog for any length of time know how afraid I am of storms.

So how about a picture with a little sunshine and shadows...

We were walking Eli and Ellie early one morning. Gosh, looks like early spring. The leaves were still not on the little trees along the cutover. Can you tell which shadow is mine and Ellie's? :) This is a picture I liked and just now getting around to using it.  I've simply got to do better at blogging. 

and another one...

another walk, this time around the pond. Hard to believe our little cabin is hidden behind the trees in the background and hard to believe this is even our little pond. Sometimes pictures show more beauty than what we actually see while walking. Huh? Did that make any sense?? 

and one more picture, saved for this post...

Don't know why I love this picture so much. Maybe the colors, texture, or just sweet Ellie? Anyhow, on to life here on Henny Penny Lane...

Remember the baby chicks I bought at Tractor Supply and brought them home March 16th? Well, those sweet chicks are now hens and have started laying...

Time flies, doesn't it! So, after going through terribly dry weather in May and June, the rains came in July and have been overwhelming. The teeny tiny garden! Too much water causes tomatoes to split and ours did! We enjoyed one big perfect tomato...

The center slice was just under 4" across. Mighty proud of this one! :)

Oh, and back in the winter months I bought tomatoes at Food Lion called "cocktail tomatoes". They were actually sweet and good. So I saved the seeds from one and started them in the greenhouse...

These tomatoes are larger than cherry tomatoes and smaller than regular tomatoes...and are delicious! I will be saving more seeds!

and while bragging on the tomatoes I might as well tell you how good the old timey half runner beans have been...

Thanks again to Shelby for finding a cousin in the family that had saved these seed beans over the years. These were Mama's favorite beans and probably her favorite part of the garden. I always think of mama when picking beans...

A few quotes from mama while helping her pick beans...

"Try not to tear the vines all to pieces, I'd like to get another mess to cook".

"Watch out for old snakes. Shirley saw an old copperhead curled up under a bean vine".

"Lord, Mary said she could sometimes smell an old snake".

Mama was something! I miss her every day. 

Well, I guess that's about it for now. Thank you for looking in. I miss blogging and miss you, dear friends. I've simply got to do better. 

Love, Henny


  1. Oh! My! Goodness! Henny...So you had a little wind round about
    the place...ruffled things up a bit...Hope Smokey was o,k, Hiding
    under summat l expect...Bless!x

    And...Look at those tomatoes...Wow! That's about the size we get
    back home in Sicily...They look lovely...Olive Oil and all...!
    And the eggs look great to...the colours are amazing...!
    And the jars of runner beans...Wow! Lovely...!

    And the sayings about the runner beans, mia Mama...also came out
    with amazing quotes...which l remember to this day.....Bless!
    🌱💛🌱💛🌱💛🌱💛🌱 💛🌱💛🌱💛🌱💛🌱 💛🌱💛
    PS...HeHe! Yes! Must do better....! :O).

    1. Hey Willie! Yes, Smokey was fine through the storms. I wanted him to stay inside but he insisted on staying on the porch in the rocking chair. He did come in when the wind got bad. Funny how we never forget things our mother's words. I will do better. :)

  2. Debby only brushed Ohio and we got tiny bit of rain only. Otherwise, July and August have been way too humid and hot and dry here. Love seeing your tiny tomatoes and canned beans. You have been busy busy busy. Hope you had time to see that new baby a bit between rain drops (or pours in your case.). Ellie is lovely of course and we are glad to see you are alive and well. Lynn and Precious

  3. I'm glad those tornadoes missed you, although I feel for those who suffered them. What a huge tomato! And how great that someone had kept those old beans going. Take care, Mxx

  4. Don't your canned beans look lovely all lined up!! And those tomatoes too 💗.
    I'm so glad the tornadoes missed you although the rain must have been quite something.

  5. I'm impressed that you save seed from your tomatoes and it works! But I could not garden with Copperheads!!!

  6. I sure am glad to hear that you all weren't caught in those terrible storms, Henny Penny! And you are so clever with saving seeds to plant, and I love that those chicks are now laying eggs for you. Eggs are as expensive as gold these days, aren't they?
    Enjoy what remains of the summer bounty!

  7. Glad to hear you had no damage from tropical storm Debby.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  8. Henny, love the pics... especially those eggs! And those tomatoes look delicious! Growing up in New Orleans we had Creole tomatoes that tasted so good... grocery store tomatoes have such little taste. Glad to hear that the tornadoes missed you. It's scary when they touch down close by... How are your bunnies doing?

  9. It is so good to see a post from you...I have been checking your blog...I love, love, love that first pic. I wish I had some of those tomatoes...they look delicious.

  10. It is great to know all goes well with you and your family (four footed ones included). Your tomatoes look so lush and I am sure they taste wonderful.

  11. Nice looking eggs! Good to hear you just had rain from the hurricane.

  12. Hi Henny! I'm so glad to hear from you.
    I love that first pic with the shadows!
    Your garden and hens are doing great - and so are you with the canning!
    Glad you weren't hurt in the storms.

  13. I forgot to say, my mom always said to be careful with the bean vines...we might could get more. And we had half-runners. I wonder if they were the same.

    Have you ever heard of hickory cane corn? We used to grow it...and we planted cornfield beans in with it. The corn grows real tall...and the beans grow up it...and they are the most fun green beans to pick....I totally loved picking them. And have you ever heard of horticulture beans? We got the see at the Co-op...they grow like regular green beans, and the hulls get real pale colored and striped lightly with pink. ...and will be real full. You pick them and shell them and they are sort of like soup beans, pintos, only the best you have ever eaten!

    1. The half runners may have been the same. These are not stringy, are easy to snap, and have lots of flavor. Oh Rose, now I want to try hickory cane corn and cornfield beans. That sounds so good! I love the shelly beans and if you leave these half runners on the vine too long the shelled beans are delicious too. I'm going to Google that corn and beans and see if I can find seed. It would be fun to try, even in my little garden. Thank you so much Rose.

  14. I am a bit envious of your brown eggs. They do taste better than white ones it seems to me! :~) A nice post, Henny!

  15. I was so excited this morning as I opened my see your post. This has been a very active year for tornados and a very scary year as well. I am so thankful that the good Lord lifted those tornadoes away from your place. Wow...that big tomato looks so tasty. Reminded me of the tomatoes that my grandfather grew. He had huge fields of tomatoes and there are not many field grown tomatoes these days that could compare to the ones he grew. What a big Blessing to be able to get your hands on the seeds. Your mom sounds like a smart lady. I have actually heard of people who could smell a snake. Your pictures all look so lush and green and I'm with you on the one of Ellie. Her color against the browns really stands out. Have a wonderful Saturday Jenny

  16. That was some stormy weather, HP!! We mostly got rain and wind out here, not too bad. We've been holed up in the house. What a gorgeous tomato that is! I only grew some cherry toms this year, not many.

  17. Dear Henny I’m so happy you are safe and sound! Tornadoes sure sound scary! We live in Calif earthquake country. And like you are scared of storms and tornadoes, I’m very scared of earthquakes🤦🏻‍♀️ My daughter and granddaughters live in Hurst Texas where tornadoes touch down! Luckily not near them! Your beans look so delicious! I bet you can use them in lots of recipes. Yummy! Your new hens sure lay beautiful eggs and they must be wonderful🐥🐔🐣 I love your Moms sayings. It’s so great you have such memorable memories of her. Always love to hear from you! Take care🥰
    Darlene from Upland Ca

    1. Hey Darlene. I sure enjoyed your comment. Oh, I would be so afraid of earthquakes too. Seems like there is something to fear no matter where you live. It would be awful to live where there is danger of flooding. I am scared of deep water too. :) Yes, I do like the little hens. They are the cutest things. I need to do a post about them. Thank you for visiting.

  18. Don't worry about posting...I try to post once a week but not really good about it.
    Those eggs look great as does that tomato! I'll look for them next time i'm at the grocery!

  19. I just love how computers think they are so smart....I typed your name as Henny, but I guess the computer thought I meant Jenny. LOL. I had to correct this.

  20. Hi Henny, it was good to catch up. I love when you share quotes from Mama. :-)
    I am scared of storms too. I am glad you are alright.
    Love, Carla

  21. I'm so glad that you didn't have any damage from the tornadoes and that you're all right. I cannot even imagine how frightening it would be to have tornadoes landing around you.
    I've seen brown eggs before but never any that looked brown enough to look like their chocolate. You must have some very exotic chickens.
    Wishing you sunshine and mild weather.
    God bless you,
    your blogging sister Connie:)

  22. It was good to see a post up from you, Melba. I always enjoy coming here. Those beans and tomatoes are beautiful! And I am so thankful that even though the tornadoes were east and west of you, you are safe. xx

  23. Hey Henny, looks like you're quite busy! So many beans! A beautiful sight, aren't they? You should be proud of yourself. I love your mama's quotes. So sweet that you remember those. I bet your mama was a wonderful lady.

    So glad you missed both tornadoes! I'm a weather weeny too! I can tolerate some bad weather, but wind and scary skies send me into a state! I hope you'll continue to post. I know it's a lot of work, but it's so worth it. Just got back to it myself, as you know. Take care! ❤️

  24. Oh, I'm glad to hear from you. One day over the weekend there were reports of the storms going up the east coast from the hurricane. They mentioned Raleigh NC and I immediately thought of you and hoped that your area got a miss from all that activity. Good to know that the two tornadoes managed to skip your place. I can imagine how scary that must have been. Do you have some place there, like a storm cellar or basement area that you can go to when the weather gets really rough?

    1. Oh, I appreciate that you thought of me. No, we really don't have any place to go during a storm. We were told that log homes are pretty safe from wind damage, of course when it's a tornado!! I worry about all these tall trees that could fall. Anyhow, hope we don't have any more for a while. Thank you.

  25. Good morning Henny! Wow that sky in your picture looks like night sky during the day! I am so proud of you and your beautiful garden and eggs! That's a lot of work you've done there. I can just taste those beans, yum! What kind of beans were your mother's favorite? My friend Lisa had some favorite sayings when we would pick beans and especially when cooking them up! "Can you try not to pull the whole bean plant up, for goodness sakes" and when cooking, "Somebody did not get all the strings out of these beans, they won't be fit to eat!" Sending love and hopes for more beans! Terry

    1. Well Terry, I did get a post done! Can you believe it. I love those bean quotes too. Sounds like mama. Mama and all her sisters used to say the funniest things. One of my favorites was Aunt Bass. She would say, "why cabbage ain't fit to eat if you don't stir it the whole time hits a cooking". Mama's favorite beans were those "old timey half-runners". That's the only name I know for them. :) Love, Melba

  26. So glad you're back, dear Melba! Wow those tomatoes look so delicious, the big one and the littles. So glad you didn't get hurt by all those storms around you. Love your pictures! We just returned from vacation and I'm so glad to see your post! Take good care, dear friend. God bless you. Love ya!

    1. Oops! Diane. My reply to your comment is below. I must have done something wrong. :)

  27. Oh Diane, I am so glad to see a comment from you. Hope you a wonderful vacation! I am still loving my special pottery mug. It is so beautiful! Thank you. Love you!

  28. Your photography is beautiful; and probably the real beauty in person is much more great :0)! Wow..can't believe you grew the Cocktail tomatoes from the store seed..just wondering how that works.... meaning do you dry them or freeze the seeds or what. You have great talent with your gardening and beautiful farm..know you all enjoy it so much. Love the big babies and congrats on those valuable eggs. :0)

    1. Thank you ChiChi Mum for the nice comment. I do remember taking the tiny tomato seeds and putting them in a napkin to dry but can't remember if I put them in the freezer for a while. I do keep my other seeds in a plastic coffee can in the freezer, so I may have. What a surprise when they germinated and the vines grew so big and pretty. I will sure keep a few seeds more seeds. :)

  29. So good to see you posting again, and I'm thankful to hear the storms didn't cause you too much distress, even with the tornados - those are so scary! Your seed beans look so good! It's always a blessing to enjoy canned food sitting on a shelf! Your tomato looks wonderful too. Nothing like a home grown tomato! Keep blogging dear friend, we always enjoy whatever you share!


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