
Monday, February 1, 2021

Mostly about Heidi (update to post, pictures added)

More black and white photos from another dull dreary wet rainy snowy day...oh, and icy. 

and here's looking out the little kitchen window, Thursday morning...

and looking out the little pantry window, also Thursday morning...
very little of this melted throughout the day on Friday but on Saturday the roads were clear enough for me and Poppy to strike out to the grocery store. 

You know how we Carolina folks are...a few snow flakes and some of us go crazy; stocking up on groceries and water and such. :)

One more picture. The wispy little tree right behind the old dog house was covered in dots of snow that looked almost like white flower buds. Doesn't show up so good here, but something about the picture I liked; could it be the touch of color?

Oh friends, I feel like the most awful mama. Let me tell you a bit about Heidi goat...

You know, I thought all along that I was taking good care of Heidi and Rosie. They get plenty of feed; goat pellets, minerals, hay, and we worm them, occasionally.

I keep their little barn swept clean and always keep two buckets of fresh cold water in their lot. Oh, and I couldn't love them any more than I do...but all that was not enough.

Heidi is completely down and doesn't have the strength to stand. Friday, Poppy helped me get her loaded in the large pet carrier and into the back of the truck. 

It took the vet only minutes to determine that Heidi has three types of internal worms and also external blood sucking parasites. I read online that goats are so sensitive to blood loss that even the amount of blood that parasites ingest, whether internal or external, can lead to amnesia and even death. 

The vet treated her for both the internal and external parasites and also sent medication home for Rosie. He told us to add alfalfa nuggets and black oil sunflower seeds to their diet.

It may take weeks or even months for Heidi to recover...if she does recover. We are very hopeful, and I plan to do everything I can possibly do to help her...which includes reading and learning more about caring for goats.
Speaking of animal feed, have I ever shown you the opposite side of our little pantry/laundry room? :) Well, it's the feed bucket side...

There's four on bottom, four on top.
had to pour some half buckets together to make room for the new alfalfa pellets and additional sunflower seeds. I do hope little Heidi pulls through. She's just got to.

Through my blog, I've met a new friend whose name is Gwen. Meeting her could not have happened at a better time...for me anyhow. Gwen and her husband have a small farm and lucky for me, they raise goats. Gwen has been such a help, giving me lots of good information and advice she learned first hand, tending her goats.  Thank you Gwen.

Didn't quite finish this post last quickly Monday has arrived! 

Just got to share this bit of good news...when I got to the goat barn with a bucket of feed this morning, Heidi was standing! Her back legs were straight and she was walking on her front knees. That is a BIG improvement! 

We are keeping Heidi inside the enclosed part of the little barn. I've moved the benches and added lots of hay to make her comfortable. Besides, she needed a little space of her own because of Noisy Rosie. Rosie thinks it's cute to push Heidi around.

Okay, I will end this here. Thank you for visiting, and thank you for all the nice comments regarding little Heidi. Will keep you posted.


Oh, what lucky goats, to live here on Gwen's farm...

I had asked Gwen for a few pictures of her farm and goats and look what arrived! Such pretty healthy looking animals, and look at that green grass, and blue skies, and happy grandchildren. Thank you Gwen! 

Thank you, dearest friends! I appreciate you all so much!


  1. I am so happy to hear about little Heidi doing better. Thank you Jesus! She has been in my prayers and will continue to be. Her standing already is a good sign. I'm glad you found a new friend who knows about goats. I believe that was meant to be. Don't blame yourself. No one could love animals anymore than me and I've unknowingly made mistakes before. Just tears my heart up but I do my best to do everything right for them. Thanks for the update on Heidi and please keep us informed.

  2. Wonderful news Henny, I hope Heidi continues on her path of recovery, since I know How much you care for your animals.
    Sadly my daughter just lost her little boy goat. The vet said it was due to being blocked in the urethra, surgery couldn't unblock him. Did you know that feeding grain to goats causes this ? even in girl goats. My daughter being a novice at goat raising was feeding them goat feed recommended by the seller infact, and that was not a good diet choice.
    The snow looks beautiful, but not too good if you have to get out and drive the roads in it.
    Stay safe and warm,

  3. Oh, gosh, it's so worrisome when they're sick, especially when you think you're doing everything right and it happens anyway. I had a goat in very bad shape from internal parasites several years ago. One of the things my goat vet recommended was to give him iron for the anemia from the blood sucking parasites. Did yours say anything about it? Mine pulled through so hopefully Heidi will too!

  4. Henny, so glad you got the diagnosis for Heidi and medication started. Of course you are hoping and praying for the
    good outcome of recovery. I've been thinking about her. Keep us posted as she goes along. Lynn

  5. Hoping sweet Heidi is on the mend. She feels your love and kindness in caring for her.

  6. We do the best we know how, until we learn better.

  7. What wonderful, wonderful news that little Heidi is doing better already. We know that you're a great goat mama. These animals are sometimes confounding to us. There are so many things to know and you were doing your absolute best. Everyone knows that, especially Heidi.
    Take care my friend.

  8. You are a good goat mama because you got her to the vet and found out what she needs. That's all a mama can do. Even with human children we can't know everything.

  9. I am pleased to read Heidi is standing & hopefully on the mend dear Henny Penny. You are indeed a good goat mama & these things can still happen even when we give our four legged friends lots of love & care. You did the right thing taking her to the Vet. Its all about learning no matter what. Your snow pictures look pretty to me sitting here in the heat & the flies. Have a good week dear kind Henny. xx

  10. I'm SO glad Heidi responded so quickly to the treatment. You take such good care of your animals that it's hard to believe they have worms or parasites.

  11. Oh, Melba, you are the best animal mama I ever known! All of your babies are blessed to have you. Praying for little Heidi!

    Grace & Peace,

  12. I'm so glad Heidi is doing better! I'm so glad the vet was able to diagnose and treat her quickly.
    Your snow is pretty - but hopefully it won't last long.
    Gwens goats are cute!

  13. You're such a good goat mama! I'm sure if you have anything to do with it, she'll be right as rain soon. In my perfect world, I'd have a little hobby farm I have no clue about raising goats. I only know about cats and chickens and sometimes I don't even do that right! I love your little barn. How big is it? -Jenn

  14. Sounds like Heidi is feeling better. She should with all your attention and her very own special room to lounge around in. Take care on that icy stuff. Snow here with icy rain yesterday but not much of either.

    Have you noticed the days getting longer? Just this afternoon I realized that a few weeks ago it would have been dark but was just beginning to dim down tonight at 6:00. With February so short it will be off and away before we know it and soon we'll have sunny warm days to work outside as long as we want.

    Take care of Heidi and yourself as well.

  15. Goats are charming little critters.

  16. You always give your animal family the best of your love and care, so hopefully Sweet Heidi will pull through this. Your snowy day pictures are beautiful, but a reminder that winter's definitely not over. Just when I had decided we would probably get no snow this year, I see it is in next week's forecast. And, cold temperatures too! Take care!

  17. Well Henny, thank God you got little Heidi to the vet in time. You are such caring folks....I know you will follow up with the right treatments for Heidi and Rosie. It was so good that you found out what the heck was happening with Heidi. Who would have thought!!! And how wonderful that you have met Gwen, who raises and cares for goats too....I'm sure she has been and will continue to be a big help for you. Praying for Heidi to get totally well! Take care.

  18. Henny you are the best Mama ever and always have been! If it wasn't for you Heidi would not have seen the vet, got diagnosed and then got medication. I'm so glad she is doing better! If you saw that much improvement that quickly I think she will have a full recovery. Besides, she gets all that love and care from her Mama! I'm keeping you all in my thoughts!

  19. Awe, hoping Heidi continues to improve 💕.

  20. Phew! It's early Tuesday morning here..
    I'm sat up with my lemon tea, and started
    to 'tear' up reading about Heidi..but as
    l read on, things started to sound a bit
    better..and the final news that she is at
    least standing...Lovely news! :).
    And..well done Gwen, for helping you with
    some help and advice..her goats look lovely

    And..ALL that animal food Henny..all looks
    good enough to eat..! ;). So clean and tidy,
    nice, l'd eat a bit of that myself! :).

    And the top photos look lovely...especially the
    one with the dog house in..!
    Must get on..time for another lemon tea...! Ah! :)
    🌱 🌽 🌿 🍅 🍆 🍇 🍈 🍉 🌱 🌽 🌿 🍅 🍆 🍇 🍈

  21. I'm so glad Heidi is responding and hope she continues to grow stronger each day.
    I love your third photo, with the light glowing in the background. It has a certain appeal about it :)

  22. I am thrilled Heidi is responding so well to the treatment, long may that continue so that she returns to full health. It was a joy to see your plot all covered in snow, makes for a very pretty Winter wonderland. Take care.

  23. Sure getting Snow and Ice there - looks great though I guess it is cold. Glad your Pets are doing well and your a marvel at looking after them Henny. Best Wishes. KEV.

  24. So good to read that Heidi is doing better, may she continue to grow stronger and healthier with each new day.
    The gray snowy days would get to me too. Yesterday and through the night we had LOTS of wind. It's supposed to be windy here today, but not as bad as yesterday. Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

  25. I am happy to hear Heidi is doing better! That is a really nice barn you have there for them. I used to have three goats. They all passed away. I loved them so much! I miss having goats:) Nice to see yours and hear about them.

  26. I'm glad Heidi is doing better! Our neighbors have lots of goats and when they first got them, worms were a problem and the goat people told us they were so shocked it could be such a problem. You aren't a bad goat mama at all-you did the right thing to find out what was wrong. I hope Heidi keeps on improving. Stay warm and safe!

  27. I was holding my breath when you wrote about Heidi, then SO happy to see that she is recovering. She is such a sweet little girl. Enjoyed the photos of Gwen’s farm, too.

  28. You are the best farm girl I know. And taking time to share this information with us is helpful too. I had no idea about the internal worms and blood sucking parasites that could bother goats in such a way.
    I am praying for Heidi.
    Stay warm and snug!
    Love, Carla

  29. Oh...I do hope that Heidi will be ok and have a full recovery... Looks and sounds like you were dong all you could and knew to do to take care of Heidi and Rosie. God's timing is always perfect and I'm thankful that HE sent Gwen to be your blogging friend... Hoping all goes well

  30. That sounds promising that Heidi was up...I sure hope she does recover. I would never have guessed that goats were that 'sensitive' to parasites. Sensitive might not be the right word, but I cannot think of another.

  31. Oh! Dear Heidi! I'm so glad you took her in, and that she is on the road to recovery. I know that must be a relief. And the sight of ALL those big buckets of feed has reminded me yet again that raising lots of various farm animals is not my calling :) Chickens is enough.
    Sounds like you have all the help you need with Gwen, but if you're interested in a wonderful farmy blogger, Leigh at "Five Acres and a Dream" blog is just lovely, and she does all sorts of things with goats and is so knowledgeable.

  32. Well, hun, you didn't know about the blood loss situation with Heidi, and you had the good sense and heart to take her to the vet. Now you know, and have educated us, too. I have heard of some wild animals suffering greatly from blood loss due to vermin-type things. I did not know goats were sensitive as well.

  33. I'm so glad she's doing better! Keep up the good work :-).

  34. Sounds like Heidi is doing better thank goodness! I hope she continues to improve!

  35. Poor Heidi, sure hope she pulls through! So glad you found someone who knows a lot about goats! :)


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