
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

In and out here on Henny Penny Lane...

My little cupboard runneth over...

but I simply cannot bear to part with my collection of mostly, old dishes. Plus, some of my favorites are from blogging friends, Andee, Lynn, and cousin Pat. 

What got me started on this subject anyhow, was pulling the "spring" dishes from the old cupboard on the front porch and replacing them with "fall" dishes. Aren't the colors of "fall" beautiful!

and you know what? Never once did I get around to posting the old cupboard filled with "springtime". Where did "spring" go, and so quickly?

My goodness! It took near half a bottle of "Old English" polish to bring the old cupboard back to life. The daily settling of dust from the dirt path, or as Mama used to say, "cars going up and down the road stirring up dust".

Is it my eyes or is there a touch of blurriness in this picture.? Anyhow, here it is "fall". The rest of the porch could use a good cleaning, and I would love to find a couple of pretty pillows for these old rocking chairs. Maybe a stop by Goodwill before Line Dancing tomorrow??

Saturday morning, I talked Poppy into driving his truck out to Murphy's hay farm for a bale of hay. "I just bought you a bale of hay", he said! Well, that was orchard grass for Rosie Randall Rabbit needs Timothy hay. So, we drove to Murphy's, not a far trip, maybe 10 miles or so. 

Oh my gosh!! Can you imagine owning a hay farm! If only I had a barn with a hay loft filled with sweet smelling hay. Anyhow, I pulled the hay bale off the tailgate of the truck onto my now much used pink wheelbarrow, across the yard and down the path...

to my makeshift hay barn...

a shelter with an old freezer chest with the lid removed :(

You know what's fun about going to Murphy's Hay Farm, besides all the hay, you never know what new animal will be there to greet you. You may remember the 2,000 lbs. bashful bull from several years ago...

and a few weeks ago was this adorable miniature bull...

and now greeting customers...

Oh, this fella is so sweet and gentle and slow moving...

I would love to bring him home...

I said to Mr. Murphy, I want the camel! He laughed and said, well you can get him! Now where in the world could we keep a camel! You may remember also it was Mr. Murphy who took all my beloved rabbits. Oh yes, he said, there's a big place here for rabbits and a house for them. "sigh".  Will I ever stop missing my bunnies? 

But then there's big loveable Randall Rabbit who has stolen my heart...

with his very own bale of Timothy Hay...

Have been meaning to tell you, Willow Wabbit has a new home. She just didn't work out here. She now lives with another black Flemish Giant, a male so I'm sure she is happy and cared for. The owner wants to raise more Flemish Giants. Willow was a digger. She had turned the entire rabbit lot into a maze of tunnels. I was so afraid of her digging out and something bad happening to them both!

Oh my gosh, how I've gone on and on. It's okay if you checked out several stories ago. I must have been starved for someone to talk to :) Thank you for listening. Love all my blogging friends! 



  1. Henny, I was so happy to see your post. Sometimes I feel that I blog because I need to talk to someone too. Anyway, I'm in love with your bashful bull pic! And that little 'Hielan coo' is adorable. We fell in love with them when we visited Scotland. Randall Rabbit looks well and happy. Was wondering about Willow... glad she found a good home.

  2. Oh I love your old China closet with the pretty dishes!!--- the porch one looks quite festive too! Randall rabbit is so handsome--- he looks really soft. Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous ha ha lol

  3. Henny you just have so much going on with your mini farm! Oh if you bring home that camel, how much food does it need! Special hay, lol. Sorry to hear Willow was trying to dig her way to China. She evidently did not understand she had the perfect place for life. But hopefully she will like being a "mom" someday. Maybe you'll get one of her babies! I too can not believe Summer is trying to end. Ohio is in such a state of drought that it is going to be a fast tree leaf drop with no color but yellow fastly turning to brown. We had a bit today, but the ground is so horribly dry, this rain will not do much good. And North Carolina has had rain rain rain, I know! Don't stay away so long. And we hope our matching gray kitty Smokey is fine along with Eli and Ellie. Of course you and Poppy better be good too, lol. Lynn and Precious

  4. I was so glad to see your post here today, Henny. Your dishes are lovely, and I can see why you wouldn't want to part with them as they hold many good memories for you. But what would you do with a camel if your had one?
    Blessings, and Happy Fall!

  5. Hi Henny! You've been missed. Your posts are so full of love, happiness and ANIMALS. Your china is so pretty and your autumn cabinet reminds me yet again that I need to decorate a little bit anyway, for fall. We're driving across S. Dakota as I type this. (The wonders of modern technology). It's been beautiful with cool weather and the aspen trees changing color in the Black Hills. We've had a gorgeous week here and now we're heading home with one more camping night along the way. We'll soon be getting ready for wintertime here!
    That bashful bull is so sweet and is the little guy. But Mr. Camel, looks both regal and friendly! I'm sorry about your bunnies and I'm so very happy your still have Randall Rabbit to love on.
    Have a lovely day my friend!
    Blessings and love,

  6. Oh yes that Camel!! I think you need one! Glad you got your hay and an old freezer is a perfect place to keep it dry:)

  7. Your posts make my day Henny 😊
    I'm a confessed dishaholic, my pie safes and cupboards are full of them. Like you they mostly have sentimental value, especially the Blue Willow collection that my parents painstakingly packaged and shipped...yes shipped, across the ocean to me, I'll never forget the excitement of unwrapping each piece.
    My daughter's little farm just keeps growing . Chickens, ducks, donkeys, goats, cows, cats, dogs, and now three geese who were hand raised.
    It's fun being an animal lover, as you are.
    Finally getting some long overdue rain today, and Autumn has arrived .

  8. I noticed a couple of slightly blurry photos, but all were really nice.
    At least you can visit the bunnies at Mr. Murphy's! :)
    Your place looks wonderful, as always, Henny.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  9. Reading about all of your animal friends is much more pleasant than reading/hearing about politics. Thank you!

  10. I could happily live on a Hay Farm with all that lovely smelling hay. As children, we used to love playing in the barn and rolling around on the bales and then laying there just sniffing that sweet smell :)

  11. I love your old cupboard full of lovely dishes!! I'm trying to downsize all my "stuff" but so far very few tea cups have gone. Too bad about Willow but I can see why she had to be re-homed. Good thing Randall isn't a digger. He looks very content.
    A camel? Who would believe that you saw a camel at the hay farm!!!


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