I've been dying to tell you about the beautiful wedding and our trip to West Virginia but here's the problem...
Up until a few months ago I was still using a little flip phone...as mama used to say, "my little cell telephone", and counting on my little $99.00 Kodak camera for pictures. Well, our phone company informed us we needed to upgrade, get a new phone, they said, for free! I chose an iPhone. So what little I know about using this new phone my daughter Andee taught me before they packed up and moved to West Virginia! Yep, they have bought a home in beautiful West Virginia.
So, more of my problem...my little camera finally wore out so I've been taking pictures with my iPhone. It takes great pictures but the pictures will not load onto my computer. Message says "no pictures or videos to download". Anyhow, sending one at the time to my email seems to work so here goes...
Madison and Hunter were married June 17th...
Probably told you this before but Hunter is seven feet tall. He and his Dad, who is his best friend and was Best Man at the wedding chose to wear their boots. Both are big hunters. It was really neat. My Granddaughter Madison was such a beautiful bride. My other sweet lovely granddaughter Michaela was a bridesmaid, third from the left, and the pretty bridesmaid second from the right is Megan, Todd's son Ryan's wife.
Ten beautiful bridesmaids and ten handsome groomsmen. The handsome guy, second from the left is Todd's son Ryan.
The wedding was held in an old barn in the beautiful country side near Harper's Ferry.I absolutely love this picture of Andee helping Madison with her dress. It looks so old fashioned...
Ok, promise, I am about done. Got to show Madison and her Dad...Well just a bit more. Daughter Lynn and her fiance Jason were there...Jason is an amazing guy. He is a musician, teaches guitar, a great photographer, and a computer whiz, well both he and Lynn...if only I could borrow them for a while. Anyhow, Jason took a picture of Poppy and me and Andee and Todd standing around at the wedding. Look what he did with that picture...
It's hilarious! We have really gotten some laughs from this. We look professional, don't we?
Poppy and I did fall in love with West Virginia. We came home and started checking out small farms for sale. If only we could pack up this place and the thirty three years of hard work and carry it with us. Fun to dream but guess we will be staying here.
Thank you for your kindness, for looking at the wedding pictures. Aren't weddings special. Sigh
Hopefully I will be back...got garden pictures and a baby turkey to show you. I've been babysitting while my friend Carla is on vacation.
Love, Henny