Amazing how bright the early morning sun can be on Henny Penny Lane and still be so dark around the house...
at 7:30 am...Poppy and Eli lead the way on our morning walk.
Miss Ellie has been a little under the weather lately. She started having accidents in the house so Wednesday morning we carried her to the vet. She has a uninary tract infection...
This morning she looked so sweet on our bed...
She is on an antibiotic, pain pill, and probiotics daily so hopefully will be well soon. She sure is a sweetie pie and is all grown up now...weighs 100 lbs.! Not to worry though, Eli is still Mr. Royalty around here.
Anyhow, Got an email and picture from my sister Shelby today. Here's the story...My brother-in-law Jimmy went out to pull the tractor from under the shed and found a litter of kittens in the bucket on the tractor...
Shelby moved the kittens to a box and left them inside the shed for the mother cat to find. They have been seeing a large yellow feral cat around the barn. Two of the kittens are a beige or tan color. I've never seen that before. Aren't they adorable!
We've had terribly hot dry weather. Seems all the rain showers by pass our little spot in the county. The garden is doing fairly well, considering...
Getting tomatoes and peppers, and green beans now.
and here's this year's make-shift watering hole for the birds, lizards and frogs who live in the garden.
Still having no luck with zinnias. Can't get even one seed to sprout. I just don't understand it. Thank goodness for the few wildflowers, like the Queen Anne's Lace growing behind the little greenhouse...
Well friends...hope all of you haven't gone away. Guess I will end this mess and get ready for bed. I hope to be back real soon.
Love, Henny