We have had fierce winds lately. Cleaning up around the teeny tiny greenhouse the other day, I happened to see this little bird's nest dangling from a limb high up in a tree, barely hanging on.
The winds did not give up, but blew until the little nest broke lose and fell to the ground.
The sweet little nest has a bit of Eli's hair woven in. I'm wondering if it was built this year, it looks fresh and clean. Poor little bird...all that work. Does it look like a hummingbird's nest?
Looking through the woods at the long legged tower. I had planned to move that tall lanky thing without mentioning it to Poppy, but wow, is it ever heavy, and awkward!!
I can just see myself lifting that heavy thing and then losing my balance and crashing into something!
So, to balance things out a little, I've moved this old arbor up to the playhouse. All it needs is a pretty vine, one that will grow in the shade. The entrance!
You know, I mentioned how Poppy is working more in the yard now. The first of the week he helped get the compost bin back in shape.
This compost bin was once two raised beds, back before we fenced in a garden spot. It was hard keeping the chickens out of the compost, so I built that nice looking top one day, all by myself. :)
For months we've been emptying kitchen scraps, cardboard, grass clipping, and old straw to the compost bin without ever turning it. It was a mess!
Then, by cracky! on Wednesday Poppy tilled the whole garden! All this help, folks!!! Why, I don't know how to act!
and today, the first pitiful looking little plants. These are six "stir-fry broccoli" plants. Poppy is working today, so I set out the plants.
Today was simply beautiful and the weather people talk like we may be done with winter this time.
I found the cute bunnies in the little Salvation Army Thrift Store yesterday. Only .49 cents each.
Oh my, and I found the cutest new apron pattern and two pretty pieces of fabric...in Walmart. I've cut out one apron and can hardly wait to get it finished and show you.
Thank you looking in today.