
Monday, June 17, 2024

Look what's happened...

 since my last post!

Meet little "Violet", our new great granddaughter. Born May 25th. Remember the big wedding we attended last June up in West Virginia...The marriage of Madison and Hunter? Well, they wanted a baby right away. Can't wait to meet her in person!

Guess my other news won't be quite so exciting or nearly as my teeny tiny garden. Just have to show you how the beans are growing...

The little wattle fence is holding up fine. On the right is a sunflower that volunteered and came up and then there's four eggplants. 

and here's the onions, lettuce, kale and a few other things...

Tomatoes on the left. I've got a few odd plants scattered here and there...

Found one German Johnson tomato plant at Walmart. It had been dropped and was falling out of the pot. Of course, I felt sorry for it and brought it home, paying full price for it, of course. Anyhow, it's now the prettiest one in the garden. All others I started from seed in the teeny tiny greenhouse.

Well friends, I started this post early last week. Since then, little Violet has grown, the garden has grown, I'm older :) Anyhow, got a few more pictures...wanted to show you Randall Rabbit...

He can't wait for the treats in the bag, kale, apple peels, and grapes...

Randall is such a big sweet bunny...

Willow is doing fine too. She is still timid and will not let me pet her but trusts me more and doesn't mind stepping on my feet.

The playhouse and garden have been wonderful this spring. I could spend my days playing there but :( there are meals to cook and clothes to wash...anyhow this picture was taken from my little rocking chair in the playhouse...
and all those 7' red lilies! Growing and blooming from flowerpots. Sometime last year I dug all the bulbs and put them in pots and sat them inside the garden. Had no idea this would happen. Where in the world can I plant them! The deer eat them!

Poor lilies! Well friends, I must get busy. Have bored you long enough and there is more housework to be done. Andee and Todd are coming tomorrow to stay until Thursday. We are so excited...Lynn and Jason are coming for the day on Wednesday. Can't wait!

Thank you for listening. :)

Love, Henny


  1. Congrats on precious Violet! 💜

    P.S. Why is the bunny eating out of a plastic bag?

    1. Oh Sandi, I know plastic bags are dangerous so I should have explained. I sit my bucket of feed and bag of bunny treats inside the bunny lot, then the bucket of fresh water. While I am latching the door behind me, Randall just can't wait so sticks his head inside the bag. I am right there with him. Thank you! :)

  2. Exciting news!!! Congratulations to Madison & Hunter and you and Poppy too of course.
    Your garden is doing great....way ahead of mine. Summer starts in a few days and we have had very little sunny warm weather. Your bunnies look very healthy and happy 💗💗💗.

  3. Congratulations! Beautiful baby! (and your gardens look nice) andrea

  4. What a beautiful little blessing you have! Welcome to Violet.

  5. How exciting to have a great-grandchild, Henny!!! Violet is so beautiful, and I hope you will get to see her in person soon. I did enjoy your garden pictures, too. Since we live in a forested area, we can't have a garden, but we try to buy produce at our local farmer's market when we can.
    Blessings, and have fun with family visits!

  6. Aww, Henny what a precious little Violet....I love her name !
    Your garden is growing splendidly, and those Lilies are beautiful.
    Randall the rabbit made me smile, with his nose in the treat bag, I so miss having rabbits :(
    Thank you for this lovely post, it brightened my day.

  7. Your garden is beautiful, Randall is cute - but miss Violet is beautiful! What a blessing!
    Also - you are never boring. Happy to see a post!

  8. Welcome Violet! She's precious (and born on my dad's birthday...).
    Your garden looks great, and love the pics of Randall Rabbit! He is so handsome. Hopefully, Willow will come around eventually and we'll get more pics of her too. Always happy to see a post from you.

  9. Congratulations on your great grand baby
    She's a beauty. I love her name.
    Your garden looks wonderful.
    Mine got attacked by evil grasshoppers.
    They destroyed all the squash,green beans. But the garlic, potatoes and onions are fine.
    Randell rabbit is a cutie pie.

  10. Congratulations! How exciting to have a sweet blessing like that! As always, your post made me smile!

    Grace & Peace,

  11. Congratulations and God bless to all.

  12. Well, congratulations are in order to you and Poppy, and Madison and Hunter of course. Little Violet is a sweet little doll. It sounds like you're going to have a week full of company. How fun is that? I love houseguests.
    Your garden is looking beautiful and you'll soon be enjoying the bounty it provides. Randall and Willow will probably want to share it with you. They are such sweet looking bunnies. I want to give them a hug, they look so soft and cuddly.
    It was wonderful to catch up a bit with you Henny.
    Blessings and love,

  13. Your baby is very sweet, it is a great happiness to have a great grandchild!!
    Loved your lilies, but beans are a must too! Have a great time with your guests!

  14. Goodness! Me! Isn't it surprising what you can
    buy in a supermarket these days...HeHe! Babies! :)x
    Seriously though...she's lovely, just think we were
    all like that once...! :).
    And a lovely name..Violet..l like that..nice 'colourful'

    And...Randall is lovely to...and eats grapes to...never
    heard of a bunny eating grapes...! Bless!x

    'meals to cook and clothes to wash' HeHe! Hope you
    don't get them mixed up Henny, and round the wrong
    way...that will never do..
    Your garden always looks so prim and proper, and most
    of tidy..l'd imagine the plants enjoy growing there
    with everything so bright...Lovely..!

    Well...l'd better get on...must get up to the supermarket
    shortly, few bits and pieces needed...HeHe! Don't want to
    starve to death...!
    Oh! And this Thursday is our longest day, though still the
    middle of summer, if it ever arrives, we shall loose 14mins
    a week...Goodness! How the time flies....! :(.
    So...Merry Christmas to one and all....! HeHe! Bless! :O).
    🎄🧑‍🎄🎅🎁 🎄🧑‍🎄🎅🎁 🎄🧑‍🎄🎅🎁 🎄🧑‍🎄🎅

  15. Violet looks to be a very sweet baby. Hope you get to visit with her often. And it looks like everything is coming up roses in your garden so to speak. Fantastic looking vegetable plants. Makes me feel bad when I go to the grocery and have to buy grocery food instead of having my own. Bunny rabbits look fantastic too.

  16. I am so excited about Violet~ you must take many many pictures! Your garden is always lovely. Grows like weeds do here. I am so glad your Randall Rabbit is such a love, he is so big! Happiness all around, keep us in the loop! Love Terry

  17. Congratulations!! Violet is a beauty, I hope you get to hold her close soon!

  18. Congratulations on sweet little Violet.

  19. Beautiful little Violet, and I like her name too! Randall is to cute also.

  20. Oh my goodness....your post is filled with all kinds of cuteness. Congratulations on your new great granddaughter. Her name is precious. I love that many of the older names are coming back. She is a little doll and I know it seems that she is growing fast. Also...the cutest little bunny...Randall Rabbit and Willow I know love that you have this beautiful garden. Your garden is looking healthy and looks like it is promising a good harvest.

  21. Violet is just adorable. I love the name. Do her parents live near enough for you to see her often. I hope so, those babies grow and change so quickly. Your garden looks sumptuous so leafy and green. Are you having the terribly hot weather there? We've had highs in the 90's since the weekend with more to come and not much rain in sight.

  22. Violet is beautiful. What an exciting addition to your family. Your garden, veggies and flowers are doing very well! With the terrible heat wave, I hope that you get enough rain to keep everything growing. Enjoy your play house. We've gotten a few tomatoes already and have a few more about ready to pick. I like to leave them on the vine until they're ripe, at least until we get a lot at once and then pick them at different stages.

  23. Great to hear from you Melba. So much happening at your place. First of that new baby Violet....what a cutie she is! And your garden is growing wonderfully...and just look at those beautiful lilies! and isn't Randall a sweet boy getting all those goodies to eat. and how is willow doing? Love all the precious pictures and the good news coming from your neck of the woods! Take good care, Love you!

  24. Your garden crops look great, Except for the tomatoes we have in a heat trap location, we are pretty much failing at vegetable gardening now due to too much shade abd cold spring weather.

  25. Oh, you are have a great week! I am happy for you. Congratulations on the new great grandbaby!

  26. Little Violet is a beauty, congratulations!
    Love the photo of bunny eating from the shop bag and I never tire of photo of your magnificent garden.

  27. Congratulations to you for Miss Violet!! Adorable!
    Love the bunnies and the garden!

  28. Congratulations to you and your Family on Baby Violet. She is a beautiful and healthy baby it seems. Love her name, as I, too, have a Granddaughter named Violet. Her name is Violet Eliza(middle name after my my maternal Grandmother). Her "Violet" name was chosen by her 12 year old Brother. :0) .. Your garden looks healthy. Thats hard work and I know yall will surely enjoy it. I have one potted tomato plant and it has 4 green tomatoes and lots more blooms. Hoping to get one mater sandwich. :0) .. Love your beautiful bunny. Always enjoy your posts and the life you live there on your cute farm.

  29. Congratulations on your new sweet little great granddaughter! I love her name! She's beautiful!

  30. So much wonderful family news! Violet is gorgeous :) And everything is growing so beautifully at your little farm! Randall is a doll. How sweet. Happy summer, Melba!


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