
Friday, March 11, 2022

Catching up, once again!

Poor little plum tree, all dressed up in blossoms thinking spring has arrived...

and who could blame her? Warm sunny days, temperatures reaching 80 degrees! Of course today is cloudy and cold...

with a hard freeze warning for Saturday and Sunday nights. North Carolina I love you but your weather can be so unpredictable!

Several years ago a friend gave me two plum tree sprouts and I planted them near the garden. First year ever the one has blooms. I promise you one thing, it will be covered before Saturday night gets here. :)

Hey friends, 

Back at the computer and feeling some better. The MRI showed arthritis in my neck, bulging disc, pinched nerve, and bone spur. The doctor said, in two weeks, after more physical therapy, if pain and numbness is still in my arm and hand, we will talk about an injection in my spine to reduce as a last resort.

I've been working awfully hard at physical therapy and doing the exercises at home and honestly can finally feel  a difference. So thankful!

The wild blueberry. Are things budding out where you live? Oh gosh! I need a warm blanket that will cover five acres. Wonder if Amazon has one, they have everything else. :)

Have I shown you our sweetie pies lately? Well here's big Eli...

and a half way decent picture of our sweet Ellie...

Ellie is the hardest dog ever! to get a good picture of, unless of course...

it's early morning before I get the bed made. This girl is rarely still!

We have lots of moss growing in the yard, lots more moss than grass, I'm sorry to say. On my way to the little greenhouse this morning I noticed these patches of moss...

Not my favorite colors but certainly different. Gosh, I need sunshine and warm days, don't you?

Guess I've rambled on about nothing long enough so here's where I will say goodbye for now...if you're still here.  Oh, couple more things...

Cousin Patty gave me a chair. You know how she is always sending me something. Well, I like this little chair...

It sits nicely here by the bed in my teeny tiny sewing room. Thank you Pat.

and speaking of the teeny tiny sewing room...I've simply got to get back to sewing. Simply got to!!! I miss being in the sewing room at night. 

Oh, and I meant to show you these hen saddles, or aprons...

Trouble is, they didn't work. These protect the hen's back. Realized after getting  one on the hen's back, it's the little red hen's wings that need doctoring. Duh.  We bought some blue salve that prevents other hens from pecking her wounds. 

Okay, I'll hush now.



  1. Love the chair that your cousin Pat sent you, cute. A real joy to see Eli and Ellie they are beautiful. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Henny you have white petals and I'm expecting white snow. No flowers here, just the tips of
    daffodil leaves showing. The hen aprons look colorful. Hope the hen recovers. Is she molting
    and therefore being heckled by the others? That's 2 very fluffy white dogs to go with the
    white petals. Lynn and Precious

  3. We are at the same stage of spring as you are. Plum trees are blooming now and leaf buds are greening up. We had a light frost two nights ago but don't expect anything heavy. But then you never know. March is noted for unsettled weather. Good luck with yours.

  4. your weather there in NC can be as unpredictable as here in Michigan, but you get more warm sunny days than we do right now!

  5. I hope you can protect your blooming trees from the frost. March weather is so strange everywhere it seems.
    I like that chair your cousin Pat gave you.
    After reading the list of things that you're dealing with I'm surprised you're able to do much at all. This getting older sure brings painful problems. Take good care of yourself.

  6. I do feel sorry for whichever hen is at the bottom of the pecking order, poor thing :(
    That chair - I'm pretty sure I have one exactly like it!
    The moss is really pretty. It looks like Ireland or Brigadoon, when it mounds up. It will plenty warm, soon enough! Sweet pics of your pups!
    I'm glad you've got some answers, and hope for relief, Melba! So sorry for the pain you've had.

  7. It's so good to hear that you are feeling some better. Baby steps for sure but sounds as though the Dr. has a plan and that's good.

    Cold here too. Nothing all bloomed out like your plum but lots of little green things coming up and buds on most of the shrubs. The forecast calls for 14 degrees at 8:00 tomorrow morning then back up into the 20's. Guess I best go and close all the curtains and blinds. Probably doesn't do much for keeping things warmer inside but makes me feel warmer somehow.

  8. I like that moss! When I was a kid, the place we played had a lot of was a pine/cedar woods. Probably 15 acres or so. I never see moss without thinking of childhood. And I feel sorry for the hen, too.

    I am relieved you are feeling some better. Maybe you will get by without surgery.

    Roger had surgery on his neck...his arm hurt so bad if he just coughed. He had went to the chiropractor, and after a couple visits was not feeling any relief so he sent him to get an MRI, and he was calling us before we got home. Had done made him an appt with a surgeon. The surgeon said you will know when it is time for don't have to have it now. Roger was ready for surgery was a success.

  9. Glad you are beginning to feel better. Praying you don't have to have surgery. Happy weekend!

  10. Take Care my dear friend, continue to keep us updated.
    I am dreaming of Spring, we currently are under a wind chill advisory!

  11. I believe physio therapy is very beneficial. We jus have to do what they say as often as they say. Keep at it.

  12. Nothing blooming here yet - supposed to have a snow storm tonight - maybe it will pass us by!!! :)
    So glad to hear you are feeling better now with the therapy.
    Love the pink and blue leashes.

  13. It's good to hear from you! The blossoms on that plum tree are gorgeous, I sure hope the freeze doesn't get it. I am so happy to hear you are feeling some better and the physical therapy is helping. I sure do love seeing pictures of Eli and Ellie. I just want to hug them! That is a beautiful quilt on your bed too. We don't have any buds here yet but we do have about six inches of snow. It snowed the last two nights but that's not unusual for us in March. I'm ready for Spring! You take care Henny, I've been thinking about you! 💗

  14. Nice to hear from you Henny. Hope everything turns out well for you healthwise. We are in our third day of no rain- comes as a blessing after 18 days of straight rain. Autumn is here with cool nights. Best Wishes. KEV.

  15. Goodness! Bottom of the pile again..
    I don't like being 'bottom' of anything..!
    HeHe!'s just gone twelve over here
    and l've just got back from town..and had
    four other posts to comment on..! Busy! Busy!

    I've seen two of your sweeties..where's the
    other two..why are pussy~cats always left
    behind..! Though, pussy~cats don't like being
    I do like Ellie's collar and lead..and has'nt
    she'll have to move into the White
    House soon, for more room...I suppose Poppy's
    living up that tree permanently now! HeHe! :).

    Hen saddles..? The mind boggles..! :O).

  16. Blossoms! I am so happy to see them!
    It's snowing here, we have to wait...

  17. Such pretty blooms! I saw that stretch of cold weather headed up the coast...hope you don't freeze. The dogs looks so white and clean! I am so glad that the physical therapy works for you! :)

  18. It's good to hear from you and also happy to read that your PT is helping the pain. We've had the same crazy weather. I think you're getting the weather we've had this week. It was beautifully warm and then last night 2F!!! This coming week it's supposed to be 70F. Crazy!
    The puppies are so beautiful. I would love to just wrap my arms around them and bury my face in their fur. They are such sweeties.
    I hope your plants all survive the weekend. Take care my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  19. I’m so glad you got some answers about your pain and some ideas about what can be done. And that it’s already helping!
    We will be dragging the citrus and the herbs I planted back inside tonight and trying to cover the fig which not only has buds but a couple figs developing. We will lose all the azaleas and other flowers that were just coming out into peak bloom. It’s so sad!

  20. It must be such a relief to know what's causing you all the trouble - now something can be done to help get rid of the pain and discomfort, with the help of God.

    The weather is so fickle at this time of year. It was mild here in central PA yesterday. Purple crocuses were blooming everywhere. When I went out to take a picture I found honey bees had found them first! What a joy to see them. This morning we woke up to snow, the kind of wet snow that coats every tiny branch, about 3 to 4 inches. Now it's windy and there are whiteouts now and then. Such a stark contrast from day to day. Sweet Eli and Ellie would love this snow! Your spring is farther ahead than ours, though. No trees blooming yet, although I brought in a big bouquet of forsythia more than a week ago and have some cheerful yellow posies in the kitchen. God be with you - praying you'll soon be back to your dear self! (google "moss gardening" - you'll like your moss!) Thanks for showing the hen saddles! Sad there'd be a need for them, poor little hens.

  21. I love your "newsy" post! I'm glad you're feeling better and have a good plan in place going forward! And what a pretty girl Ellie is! I've found over the years that dogs are like people, some are naturals in front of the camera, and some just are not. I am one of those who is not, as our dog Ree! 🥰

  22. Hi Henny! ☺ Your Eli and Ellie are just so gorgeous! I'm happy to hear your physio exercises are helping, I hope you don't have to go through injections and worse, surgery!

  23. I do hope you will feel better soon!

  24. Good morning Henny! Glad you are on the mend. Yes indeed everything froze up here as quick as a wink, and damaged a lot of trees too! Luckily, nature does tend to bring things back so we will see. Just keep up the good work with physical therapy and I hope your aches and pains go completely away. Praying for you, Terry

  25. Hi Henny Penny, I hope you t feeling better soon. And that your Plum tree blossoms are okay. I remember the days of going out to cover our trees in our previous house! Nancy

  26. Ellie sure is a beautiful dog. The plum tree is so pretty. My mama always made plum jelly. It was really good, but a little bitter. I sure hope you are getting well and the physical therapy is helping you to feel better soon.

  27. Hey Henny, hope the freeze wasn't too damaging. I think we escaped the damage here. Didn't stay freezing long enough, I guess. Your dogs are beautiful. Never heard of hen saddles! Hope your arthritis is improving. I suffer from it too, in my hands especially. Quite annoying! Take care!

  28. So sorry about the news with your neck and back. Hoping that the physical therapy helps you and makes a difference! Your little hen aprons are darling. Sweet Eli! Dogs can be difficult to photograph for sure! Prayers that you feel better soon!

  29. Praying for your health and that you won't need surgery.
    As always, a very pretty post :)

  30. The white plum blossoms are so pretty! Many prayers to you for your neck and back. Do take good care! Both of your dogs are so sweet! I love your little hen aprons.
    Hope you will feel better soon!

  31. Oh my Dear! So much pain troubles!

    It certainly makes my little arthritis in fingers, in one hand, pale in comparison. -sigh-

    How about getting proactive, and telling that doctor that you can not wait longer!!! You want that shot now!!!!!!! You could add to this, by hinting that you are thinking of jumping off a cliff, because of the pain. And ask him if he wants to be responsible for this!?!?!?

    At times, we have to holler a bit! Let 'em know we mean business. It's YOU in pain, not him.

    Just sayin'.....



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