
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The back porch

Funny, when we first moved into our little log home we thought there was nothing like sitting on the screened-in back porch.  The cabin was built in the middle of thick woods, so there was an abundance of wildlife around.   Sometimes the frogs would get so loud you would feel like you were going crazy!!!  Anyway, Poppy and I don't sit out on the porch like we used to. 

The usual thunder storms started up around 7:00 pm last night.  When the clouds got dark and rolling and the wind got up pretty strong  we decided to sit on the porch!!!  Thunder could be heard rumbling in the distance, and I didn't feel too afraid.  There's something very special about hearing the sound of rain coming, and then all of a sudden it's over you, beating down on the roof.  Daddy used to say, "listen, you can hear the rain coming", run to the house"!!  I had just said to Poppy..."once it gets to raining hard I expect lightening"...and sure enough...a streak of lightening...I jumped  over that wicker table and Poppy's legs and made it to the door just as it thundered!!!

A few antique tools, bridles, saws, etc., on the porch wall...


 Speaking of old things...I love old granite ware!!!  A lot of this collects dust, but I use most the pieces.  The blue pot with the lid (top shelf) is perfect for cooking a turkey breast, and the large covered roaster pan for cooking a whole turkey.  The other large pots with lids I use when I'm canning bring the beans to a boil before packing in jars. It's just more fun to use granite ware...My chicken feed bucket is granite ware too.

Before I go, one more

Before the rain yesterday, Poppy asked for my camera...this is the picture he brought me...

Thank you for visiting.  Hope to be back soon.

Henny Penny


  1. Dear Henny,
    What a splendid post! Your back porch is so homey and inviting. It seems a perfect place to relax with a cup of tea in the evening.
    Your pan sounds like a nice find. I had a little 1 quart pan from my set when we were first married. My sister called on the phone while I was making carmels. Alas, it met the same fate as yours did, though not with such a forest-y dismissal! It went in the city garbage. I still hear about that from time to time!
    Who knew Poppy had such an eye for photography? My Dad used to sing my Mama a song, 'You're a rose that is blooming in the wildwood'. Do you know it?
    Your Papa was handsome. You were/are darling. You're not an antique, you're 'experienced'! ;)


    1. Good morning Jen!

      Thank you. Hearing about your little pan and the carmels makes me feel better. :) Poppy never knew about my 2 pots...I'm sure I would have heard about it many many times!! I was afraid to put the first one in the trash. This recent little pot, I wrapped and put in the bottom of the trash bag!!:( I think I do remember the song about the wildwood rose...that's so sweet. I remember hearing daddy singing in the morning when he was getting dressed to go to work. He sang "mockingbird hill". I always love hearing from you!!


  2. Morning, Henny, my my.. you have done a few posts since I was here! This one, though, hits the spot today. I love your porch, I wish I lived on it! Love the graniteware, what a nice collection. I used to collect when I was married and now I given it almost all away, since I have been alone more than 15 years, I guess I just got tired of keeping up with it. But, no worries I still have way too many knicknacks.

    Hopefully, the storms will get fewer soon, but we have had a bunch here in the last 24 hours. What's weird is, 2 or 3 days after they come through, trees start falling, kind of scary, with no warning. Handsome Daddy! Henny, hang in there... Love Terry

  3. Dear Terry,

    I wish you lived on my porch too!! I know what you mean! We have too many collections of stuff. There is a bottle collection and arrowhead collection...It's all fun until time to dust and you know who gets that job!! I'll have to post a picture of the bottle collection, dust and all.

    We have had trees down around here too. It worries me. The ground is so wet!! Are you afraid of storms, being alone? I hope not. That is a bad feeling.


  4. Hey Mama, I loved this post. I miss you! I love your porch. And your graniteware. And I do know that you use it! That picture of you reminds me of Michaela. She and John are my proof that I am yours!! Love you! Your gur.


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