I know, our garden is just a teeny tiny garden and that's why my dream of filling the pantry shelves with jars and jars of canned vegetables never works out. But we have certainly enjoyed a bounty of fresh vegetables for the table this summer...
Why, last summer the eggplant and bell pepper plants refused to grow; not even one pepper or one eggplant did I harvest. But look this year. This is the fourth big beautiful eggplant off just two plants, and I've been slicing and freezing the bell peppers. Aren't eggplants pretty!
Have plenty of tomatoes and cucumbers too. Most days I have a tomato sandwich for lunch or maybe a salad of just tomato, onion, and cucumber with a little Ranch dressing.
Wish I could take credit for growing the corn but afraid not. The farmer that sells watermelons up the road also has a cornfield. We bought three dozen ears to put in the freezer. Need to be working on that instead of on the computer. Needed a little break. :)
Oh, and the green beans have been simply delicious. Don't know why I didn't get a picture. Guess we couldn't wait to get to the table once the cornbread was done and taking a picture was the furtherest thing from my mind.
but you can see how big and healthy the vines are...hardly a speck of the wattle fence shows.
Have been meaning to show you...
Dear friends, do you remember Wilder, the wild rabbit I raised three or four years ago? Well, he is still here! I find it hard to believe that he has survived all these years but Poppy says, "Mel, no wild rabbit is going to hop right up to your feet. This is Wilder"! This rabbit watches for me and actually comes up to me. He recognizes my feed bucket. Wilder loves apple peelings. Sure makes me feel good.
Just got to show you how tall our sweet Ellie is getting...
Still not as tall as our big Eli but she is beginning to fill out and gain some weight.
Eli patiently waiting for us. We should have named him Job. Seriously, You can say to Eli, "wait here a minute" and he will stand there and wait. There will never be another Eli!
Two sweetie pies!
Well, for sure you're bored and tired of all this. Thank you, if you are still here. :) I will leave you with the most recent (taken tonight) picture of Eli and his bear...